Historic Zoning Commission

Knoxville High School Individual H Landmark: Level I


Location Knoxville
101 E. Fifth Ave. 37917

Industrial Dev Board of Knox County

Applicant Request
Architectural feature; Doors; Siding; Windows
Conversion of partially enclosed loading dock (currently holding mechanical equipment) into interior space. Existing wall on an interior-facing corridor will be removed and moved to be flush with existing wall, featuring lap siding to match previous wall and new storefront windows. Removal of one existing non-historic door and installation of a new storerfont window.

Work will occur on recessed massing towards the northwest center of the building. All work will occur on non-historic areas, will not involve removal of or modification to original elements, and will not be visible from public right-of-way.


Rodney Rodney Calvin - DKLEVY Architecture & Design DKLEVY Architecture & Design

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.lanois@knoxplanning.org

Case History