Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H: Level I/II


One-story, wood frame residence with a hip and gable roof clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior of wood clapboard siding, and a brick foundation. Front gable features full cornice returns and shingles with an arched double-hung window, while side gables are clad in lap siding. One-over-one, double-hung wood windows. Interior brick chimneys.

Location Knoxville
510 E. Scott Ave. 37917

Thomas Thomas Brechko

Applicant Request
Accessory structure; Architectural feature; Deck; Doors; Guttering; Masonry repair/painting
Level 1 Scope: repair and repointing to brick masonry foundation. Right rear corner of foundation will require reconstruction; existing historic brick will be retained, cleaned, and re-installed in place. All work to meet masonry standards of NPS Presevation Brief 2, re-using existing bricks and using mortar appropriate for historic masonry elements. Installation of new gutters. Foundation repair project only approved 4.5.2021; all other scopes of work to be reviewed at 4.15.2021 Historic Zoning Commission meeting.

Level 2 Scopes

BASEMENT DOORS: Replacement of two basement-level doors on rear elevation. Left side basement door opening currently enclosed with plywood; a one-third-light, three-panel wood door will be painted and installed. Right side basement door opening to receive a five-panel, solid wood door. Both doors are 32" wide. Basement entry openings will not be modified in size.

DECK: Addition of deck to rear elevation. The deck will be 12' deep by 21' wide overall, with recessed sections on each side. The deck will be supported by 6" by 6" columns, with a 36" tall railing of square pickets set into top and bottom rails. Applicant is proposing TimberTech composite railing system, featuring square posts, a beveled railing, and square wood pickets. Deck flooring is proposed to be TimberTech Legacy Collection composite decking.

To accommodate the deck, a window on the rear elevation will be replaced with a half-light, fiberglass door. Window to be replaced is third bay from the left, and has received modifications in the past.

GARAGE: New secondary structure (garage) in rear of property. Garage will be located in rear left (south) corner of property, set 7' from rear property line and 7' from interior left (southwest) property line. The garage is 26' long by 26' wide, with an additional 6' wide by 12' long massing on the elevation facing the front property line (southwest elevation).

The garage features a front-gable roof with a 12/12 roof pitch clad in architectural asphalt shingles, an exterior clad in wood clapboard siding, and one-over-one, double-hung wood windows. The shed-roof massing on the southwest elevation features a 4/12 pitch roof and a small covered entry supported by a wood post.

The front elevation is the northeast elevation, which features two paired garage doors. The proposed doors feature three-light windows above two vertical panels and centrally located hinges. A one-over-one, double-hung wood window is centered in the gable field in the upper story. A secondary entry door is recessed on the shed-roof massing on the front elevation.

The right elevation (northwest) faces E. Scott Avenue and the rear of the house. Another one-over-one, double-hung window is located on the leftmost bay, with paired 1/1, double-hung windows on the shed roof massing. The southwest elevation (fronting the side yard) features a window in the upper story and the alley fronting elevation does not have additional fenestration.

Conditions of approval identified at 4/16/21 HZC Meeting: 1) final garage door specifications be submitted to staff for approval.

Staff Comments
Queen Anne cottage, c.1905
    One-story, wood frame residence with a hip and gable roof clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior of wood clapboard siding, and a brick foundation. Front gable features full cornice returns and shingles with an arched double-hung window, while side gables are clad in lap siding. One-over-one, double-hung wood windows. Interior brick chimneys.

M. Auxiliary or Outbuildings
1.The design of outbuildings such as garages shall acknowledge and suggest the function of original outbuildings that would have been located in the neighborhood.
2.The design of features like garage doors that face the street shall mimic carriage house doors from an era consistent with the primary building on the lot.
3.Garages shall be located to the rear of the primary building on the lot.
4.Materials used in constructing outbuildings or accessory buildings may only use materials and design characteristics selected from the following list: wood lap siding with a four inch lap or board and batten; a 12/12 roof pitch; overhanging eaves; exposed rafter tails; wood windows; masonry but not exposed concrete block or split-face block; garage doors appearing to be carriage doors or plank doors with x-bracing or perimeter reinforcing timbers.

C. Porches
2. Design elements to be incorporated in any new porch design must include tongue and groove wood floors, beadboard ceilings, wood posts and/or columns and sawn and turned wood trim when appropriate. If balustrades are required, they must be designed with spindles set into the top and bottom rails.

D. Entrances
6. Service (rear) entrances may not be altered to make them appear to be formal entrances by adding paneled doors, fanlights, transoms or sidelights.
7. Secondary entrances must be compatible with the original in size, scale and materials, but clearly secondary in importance

Thomas Thomas Brechko

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.lanois@knoxplanning.org

Case History