Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff does not believe the entire stair and landing structure is appropriate. However, since the landing structure is allowed to remain, then the steps are the least obtrusive part of the structure. In addition to the mitigations stated above in the comments section, staff recommends that a new, period-appropriate door leading to the landing be installed.

Location Knoxville
1335 Armstrong Ave 37917

Vaughn Vaughn McCoy

Applicant Request
Level II. Construction of addition
Remove existing wood frame steps to second level in a straight run on the north side of house. Construct new wood frame stairs with enclosed risers have been installed which turn the rear north corner to the back of the house. The width of the stairway on the back of the house is 5 feet and on the side of the house it measures 4 feet wide. The 36-inch-high balustrade is of square 2x2s with beveled ends overlapping the stringers. The handrail is 2x4 lumber. Existing 6x7 landing on the 2nd-level supported by 4x4 redwood posts. The existing balustrade on the landing is proposed to be replaced to match the new stair balustrade . The landing is covered by an existing shingled shed roof which is proposed to be removed. The support structural for the landing is proposed be covered in perpendicular wood lattice panels.

Staff Comments
Neo-classical (1910s) renovations in 1920
    Two-story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, shed dormers, and asphalt shingle roof covering. Double-hung one- over-over-one windows. One-story wrap-around front and side porch with round wood columns with Doric capitals and turned wood balustrade. Two interior offset brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Projecting bays on front and north side elevations. Altered by added sawn wood balustrade (widow's walk) on top of roof with taller, square, weatherboard covered, flat roofed structure.

L. ADDITIONS p. 28 (all guidelines apply; however below are the most pertinent.)

1. Locate exterior additions at the rear of or on an inconspicuous side of a historic building, limiting the size and scale in relationship to the historic building, using appropriate proportions.

3. Additions shall be designed so that they can be removed without destroying the form of the historic building

4. New additions should not be visible from streets.

6. Do not cause a loss of historic character through a new addition.

Vaughn Vaughn McCoy

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History