Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Proposed changes are consistent with Fourth & Gill design guidelines as adopted by Council.

Location Knoxville
707 Luttrell St

Jung (Metler), Mike

Applicant Request
Porch elements
Repairing foundation of front porch, with new skirt board, columns, and tongue and groove flooring to match original. New balustrade with closer spaced ballusters. (Banister not now original.)

Queen Anne Cottage (c.1900)
    One story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Asphalt shingle roof covering on hip roof with lower cross gables, turreted front porch, sawn wood bargeboard on front gable and sawn wood attic vent. One over one double hung windows. Front porch with wood posts, Doric capitals and sawn wood banister, on brick pierswith insert lattice panels. Two interior offset brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Irregular plan Transom at front entry.

Jung (Metler), Mike

Case History