Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


Installation of two new windows on the rear/alley-facing elevation of the building, first story. New windows will match existing adjacent windows in size, design, detail elements, and spacing along elevation. Replacement of two doors on Walnut Street. Central entry door (non-historic solid door) to be replaced with multi-light aluminum-clad wood entry door with fenestration pattern to reflect windows; leftmost first-story door (non-historic solid door) to be replaced with multi-light aluminum-clad wood entry door and multi-light sidelight.

420 Clinch Ave.

YWCA Knoxville

Applicant Request
Installation of two new windows on the rear/alley-facing elevation of the building, first story. New windows will match existing adjacent windows in size, design, detail elements, and spacing along elevation. Replacement of two doors on Walnut Street. Central entry door (non-historic solid door) to be replaced with multi-light aluminum-clad wood entry door with fenestration pattern to reflect windows; leftmost first-story door (non-historic solid door) to be replaced with multi-light aluminum-clad wood entry door and multi-light sidelight.

Case History