Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


Verizon Wireless requests to rooftop construct antennas and related communications equipment on the Walnut Building (706 Walnut Street). There is an existing communications structure on the rooftop that is not associated with this request.

The structure for the antennas will be anchored the building structure through the roof and platform will be approximately 2' above the roof and slightly below the height of the parapet wall. There will be 12 antennas mounted to the new structure and 6 equipment cabinets (4 equipment cabinets to be installed initially and 2 future equipment cabinets).

Height (sheet C3A): Approximately 16'-8" from the top of roof to the highest point of the proposed structure (including antenna). NOTE: The existing communications tower is approximately 15' taller.

Location (sheet C1): 15'-4" from the north (front - Church St.) elevation, 15'-8" from the east (side) elevation, 18'-2" from the west (side - Walnut St.) elevation

Material: metal structure

706 Walnut St

Applicant Request
Verizon Wireless requests to rooftop construct antennas and related communications equipment on the Walnut Building (706 Walnut Street). There is an existing communications structure on the rooftop that is not associated with this request.

The structure for the antennas will be anchored the building structure through the roof and platform will be approximately 2' above the roof and slightly below the height of the parapet wall. There will be 12 antennas mounted to the new structure and 6 equipment cabinets (4 equipment cabinets to be installed initially and 2 future equipment cabinets).

Height (sheet C3A): Approximately 16'-8" from the top of roof to the highest point of the proposed structure (including antenna). NOTE: The existing communications tower is approximately 15' taller.

Location (sheet C1): 15'-4" from the north (front - Church St.) elevation, 15'-8" from the east (side) elevation, 18'-2" from the west (side - Walnut St.) elevation

Material: metal structure

Staff Comments
Applicable guidelines:

Utilities can include telephone and electrical lines, ventilation systems, gas meters, air conditioners, fire protection, telecommunication and alarm systems. Adequate space for these utilities should be planned in a project from the outset and they should be designed such that their visual and noise impacts are minimized.
7a. Minimize the visual impact of mechanical equipment through screens or recessed/low-profile equipment.
7b. Do not locate units on a primary facade.
7c. Screen rooftop vents, heating/cooling units and related utilities with parapet walls or other screens.
Consider sound-buffering of the units as part of the design.
7d. Locate utility connections and service boxes on secondary walls.
7e. Reduce the visual impacts of trash storage and service areas by locating them at the rear of a building or off an alley, when possible.
7f. Screen dumpsters from view.
7g. Locate satellite dishes out of public view, where possible.
7h. Allow solar panels and other technological advances on rooftops and other unobtrusive locations. Solar panels should not be considered on the elevations of historic buildings.

Verizon Wireless Tennessee Partnership

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History