Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 3-N-22-IH, subject to the following conditions:
1) Final site plan and parking to meet City Engineering standards;
2) Applicant to select a lap siding with an overlap instead of Dutch lap.

114 E. Woodland Ave. 37917

David David Nicley DPN Builders DPN Builders

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The proposed setback is 84' from the front property line. The block lacks front setback context; the adjacent house at 115 E. Woodland Ave is also substantially recessed at 96' from the front property line, while the next property is a church which sits directly on the front property line. The applicant has proposed the 84' front setback as a means of maintaining the three relatively old growth oak trees towards the front of the property. This corresponds with the design guideline to preserve healthy trees outside the building footprint. While the house will be recessed at the block, it will be in line with the adjacent house, create consistent front yard space, and maintain the large shade trees. The house is relatively centered on the lot with consistent side yard setbacks.

2. The subject block does not retain historic context, featuring a Minimal Traditional, a highly modified Craftsman, and a church building. The 1.5-story adaptation of a simple Folk Victorian house is appropriate for the context.

3. Parking meets Infill Housing design guidelines by being located to the rear of the house, with a parking pad accessed of the side alley. Final site plan modifications should meet City Engineering standards.

4. The 1.5-story, three-bay front elevation is compatible with other houses along the street and in the broader neighborhood. The façade width is consistent with similar historic houses and the front porch contributes modest complexity to the façade. The house incorporates a foundation height of approximately 4' on the façade, receding to approximately 1' to the rear, which meets the design guidelines.

5. The shed-roof porch, centered on the façade, meets the design guidelines for porches.

6. Windows and door styles and placement are compatible with the historic context and mee the design guidelines. There is a sufficient amount of transparency on side elevations.

7. The 10/12 pitch roof is compatible with historic houses in the neighborhoods. While the house does not incorporate more roofline complexity, the infill construction is proposed for a modest block where a simple front-gable roof is appropriate.

8. The asphalt shingle roofing, vinyl siding, and stuccoed foundation meet the design guidelines. The applicant should select a vinyl lap siding with an overlap to reflect historic clapboard siding instead of a Dutch lap.

9. The proposal retains the existing old growth shade trees.

Staff Comments
New primary residence fronting E. Woodland Avenue. One-story, front-gable roof residence measures 26' wide by 44' long, with an 8' deep by 18' wide front porch centered on the façade. The house is proposed to be set 84' from the front property line, to situate the house behind three large existing oak trees. Parking is proposed for an existing gravel area to the rear of the lot, measuring 20' by 25', extending off the right side (southwest) alley.

The house features a 10/12 pitch, front-gable roof clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior of vinyl siding, and a stuccoed CMU foundation. The façade (northwest) is three bays wide), featuring a centrally located door flanked by two one-over-one, vinyl, double-hung windows. The porch features a low-pitched, shed roof clad in metal supported by 6" square columns with trim at top and bottom. A second-story window is located in the front gable field. Both side elevations have three windows. The rear elevation features a secondary entry topped by a small shed roof.

David David Nicley DPN Builders DPN Builders

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History