Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVAL to rermove and reconstruct chimney utilizing original bricks as much as possible and replacement bricks to match as much as possible on the rear. Tuckpointing to be done according to the Sec'y of Interior's Standards.

Location Knoxville
1015 Eleanor St

John John Jacobs - and Carla and Carla

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Masonry repair/painting
Reconstruct deteriorated chimney stack from roofline utilizing existing original bricks that are in good condition and replace bricks that thave cracked or spalled utilizing brick to match. Repoint and repair rear chimney. Follow recommendations in the National Park Service Brief #2 for "Repointing Mortar Joints in Historic Masonry Buildings."

The front chimney (Figures 1- 5) will be torn down to the roof line and rebuilt reusing as many of the original brick as possible. Reconstruction is needed to correct the leaning that is visible in photos 2 and 3. There are bricks that have spalled and need to be replaced. Since the pitch of the roof obstructs the rear side of this chimney, bricks from the rear side will be used to replace the spalled bricks that are visible from the ground. The new replacement bricks will be reserved for the rear side as much as possible. The remainder of the chimney stack will be repointed.

The rear chimney (Photos 6 & 7) will be tuckpointed. The bricks on this chimney stack are in better shape than the front chimney. If any must be replaced we will try to replace them on the side of the chimney facing the slope of the roof which is the least visible, reusing original bricks on the three sides that are more visible from the ground.

Queen Anne (c. 1900)
    Two-story frame with hip roof and lower cross-gables with lattice bargeboard, lattice-paned attic vent. Two interior offset brick chimneys, one side and one rear. Irregular plan.

John John Jacobs - and Carla and Carla

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History