Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H: Level I/II


White Columns; George W. Peters House; Chester Kilgore House. Two-story hall-and-parlor Italianate house modified with a kitchen addition c.1878 and a Neoclassical-style remodeling by George F. Barber in 1890s. Cross-gable roof clad in asbestos shingles, exterior of wood weatherboard siding, continuous brick foundation. Two-story Neoclassical porch. Interior brick chimney.

Location Knoxville
1319 Grainger Ave. 37912

Shawn Shawn Griffith

Applicant Request
Guttering; Masonry repair/painting; Porch; Roofing; Siding; Other: Chimney
Level 1 COA issued 3.3.2021: Chimney to be removed to roofline and reconstructed, using original bricks as much as possible and replacement bricks to match and appropriate mortar (work to meet NPS Preservation Brief 2); installation of chimney cap. Removal of existing half-round gutters and replacement in-kind. Repair to wood fascia, soffits, and window trim, including replacement in-kind in patches. Repair to wood lap siding and shingles in gable, including replacement in-kind in patches where necessary. Masonry repair and repointing to foundation (using historically appropriate mortar). Minor repairs to roof cladding surrounding chimney; if replacement is required, new asphalt shingles will replace existing.

Level 2 scope of work, for HZC review 5.20.2021: Proposed replacement of three porch columns: two corner columns on the first-story porch (east and west) and one leftmost (west) corner column on the second-story porch. Two-story porch features six round fluted columns on the first story and five round fluted columns on the second-story porch. Due to water intrusion from weather, failing gutters, and adjacent large trees, three corner columns have rotted. Applicant is proposing the installation of fiberglass reinforced polymer columns instead of wood. On the first-story porch, round fluted columns will measure 9' overall in height and 12" in diameter, with a slight taper to match the existing columns. On the second-story porch, columns will measure 8' overall in height and 10" in diameter. Columns will be smooth-finished on top of square base. Historic capitals to be retained, repaired, and installed on top of new columns. Historic wood railing to be retained.

Conditions of approval identified at 5.24.21 HZC meeting:
1) retain and reinstall existing railings; retain, repair, and reinstall original capitals; and install bases with placement, dimensions, and design to match existing;
2) replacement columns be confirmed to match size, taper proportions, fluting detail of wood columns;
3) confirmation of color, surface texture, and reflective surface to be compatible with the existing columns;
4) information to be provided to staff on column ventilation to minimize expansion/contraction issues which could negatively affect the original capitals.

Staff Comments
Italianate with Neoclassical alterations; c.1855, 1878, 1890s
    White Columns; George W. Peters House; Chester Kilgore House. Two-story hall-and-parlor Italianate house modified with a kitchen addition c.1878 and a Neoclassical-style remodeling by George F. Barber in 1890s. Cross-gable roof clad in asbestos shingles, exterior of wood weatherboard siding, continuous brick foundation. Two-story Neoclassical porch. Interior brick chimney.

C. Porches
1. Historic porches on houses in Old North Knoxville should be repaired, or may replicate the original porch if documentation of its size and design can be discovered.
2. Design elements to be incorporated in any new porch design must include tongue and groove wood floors, beadboard ceilings, wood posts and/or columns and sawn and turned wood trim when appropriate.

E. Wood
5. Wooden features shall be repaired by patching, piecing-in, or otherwise reinforcing the wood. Repair may also include limited replacement with matching or compatible substitute materials, when elements remain and can be copied.
6. Wood features that are important in defining the overall historic character of the building shall not be removed.
7. Replace only deteriorated wood. Reconstructed in order to achieve a uniform or "improved," "new" appearance is inappropriate because of the loss of good historic materials.
8. An entire wooden feature that is too deteriorated to repair or is completely missing shall be replaced in-kind. If features are replaced, the materials they are made from shall be compatible with the original in size, scale, and material. Replacement parts should be based on historical, pictorial, and physical documentation

SOI Standards for Rehabilitation
6. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature shall match the old in design, color, texture, and other visual qualities, and where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shall be substantiated by documentary, physical, or pictorial evidence.

Shawn Shawn Griffith

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.lanois@knoxplanning.org

Case History