Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 30107EDGA. Proposed work will return a neighborhood eyesore to appropriate or original condition.

Location Knoxville
1618 Washington Ave

(Kim Trent) (Kim Trent) Knox Heritage, Inc.

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Exterior restoration of deteriorated, vacant property to include
- demolition of rear porch on southeast corner, removal of exterior stair, demolition of second floor enclosure at northwest corner and northeast corner, removal of concrete front porch, foundation walls, concrete aprons around foundation walls, walls and roof of enclosed balcony above front door and walls of balcony off front bedroom, demolition of brick veneer from rear wall to accommodate new kitchen windows and door, removal of rear chimney vent. Addition of room at rear of house, smaller than room to be demolished, addition of 12x16 screened rear porch (neither visible from Washington). Repair existing foundation, walls and fireplace, using Preservation Brief No. 2. Install asphalt roof shingles. Install replacement chimney to match original. Install gutters. Install venting in foundation below windows. Repair fascia. Repair, replace or add exterior trim to mimic original trim. Install appropriate exterior doors at front entry, rear side entry and kitchen. Repair wood siding and wood shingles as necessary. Install double hung wood windows, sized to fit original openings or repaired if existing, without alteration of original window openings except on rear kitchen walls. Install tongue and groove wood porch flooring and beadboard ceiling on all porches and on balconies as appropriate. Install HVAC.

Queen Anne with Eastlake influence. (c.1890).
    George Barber designed residence, appearing as Design No. 65B in New Model Dwellings and How to Build Them (D. D. Reamer residence). Two and one-half story brick with brick belt course and water table. Hip roof with lower cross gables, asphalt shingle roof covering, ornate bargeboard in gable. One story one bay altered front porch and second story balcony with spindle work balustrade. Double hung segmental arched windows (some filled in and some converted to doors) with two rows of radiating voisseurs. Patterned brick belt course. Eastlake stained glass windows. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Altered.

    Original appearance included a first floor half porch that fronted paired windows to the east of the entry, a gabled portico with bargeboard and trim at the entry, an octagonal turret behind the front entrance, a balconet fronting the turret and over the front porch, balconies that flanked the second floor rounded window, the third floor balconet still appearing on the front façade, and elaborate bargeboard and spindle work.

(Kim Trent) (Kim Trent) Knox Heritage, Inc.

Case History