Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Level II portion of Certificate No. 22004ONK. Proposed work is consistent with adopted design guidelines.

Location Knoxville
1134 Harvey St

Ruby and Jerry Crowe

Applicant Request
Roofing; Siding; Windows; Other: demolish rear addition and replace
Level I: Repair and replace rotted wood siding with identical wood siding, install new asphalt shingle roof to replace existing shingles; repair windows as necessary.
Level II: Demolish deteriorated rear addition and replace with wood sided rear addition which will be the width of the existing house (as the current addition is) and 5-6 feet deeper in order to accommodate an adequate bath and kitchen. Windows will be wood double hung to match existing house. Siding will match. Roof will be a shed roof.

Folk Victorian with Stick influence. (1905)
    Two story frame with weatherboard wall covering, laid in diagonal and vertical panels under front elevation windows. Gable roof with asphalt shingle covering and scalloped bargeboard. Double hung two over two windows. One story one bay front side porch with sawn wood frieze. Interior central brick chimney. Brick foundation. Rectangular plan. Enclosed rear porch.

Ruby and Jerry Crowe

Case History