To be heard March 13, 2025Agenda Item No. 11
Recommendations will be available 1 week prior to the meeting.
Property Info
What's next?
Applicant Request
− +Zoning
- Current
I-G (General Industrial), HP (Hillside Protection Overlay)The I-G General Industrial Zoning District provides for a range of general industrial uses that may produce limited outside impacts, rendering them incompatible with retail, service,
or residential uses. Such uses include limited manufacturing, fabricating, processing, wholesale distributing, and warehousing facilities that do not require frequent visits from customers or clients.The HP District is intended to protect Knoxville's significant natural topographic features, and to prevent potential serious consequences from hillside development, such as increased erosion, fire, or flood hazards, and property damage.
I-MU (Industrial Mixed-Use);HP (Hillside Protection Overlay)The I-MU Industrial Mixed-Use Zoning District is intended to provide for a mix of light industrial uses and a variety of compatible commercial uses such as entertainment, amusement and retail establishments. This mix is designed to promote the reuse of older, character giving structures that may no longer be suitable for their original industrial purposes, but that can accommodate a variety of alternative types of uses. Residential uses are also permitted in the I-MU District, both above the ground floor in mixed-use development, and in multi-family dwellings.
Property Information
− +2201 ATCHLEY ST
Southwest side of Atchley St, north side of Carmichael St
Council District 1
2.85 acres
Planning Sector
South City
Land Use Classification LDR (Low Density Residential), MU-SD, SC-2 (Mixed Use-Special District, South Waterfront District Ad LDR (Low Density Residential), MU-SD, SC-2 (Mixed Use-Special District, South Waterfront District Ad
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land, Office, Industrial (Manufacturing)
Growth Plan
N/A (Within City Limits)
Fire Department / District
Knoxville Fire Department
- Utilities
- Sewer
Knoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Daniel Levy
Case History
- January 28, 2025
Date Filed
- March 13, 2025
To be heard by the Planning Commission