Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 302104&G. Proposed work is consistent with adopted design guidelines, including windows (pg. 11-#4); rear deck (pg. 12-1) and masonry (pg. 15, 5 & 6).

Location Knoxville
1122 Luttrell St

(Kathy Ellis, Community Development) (Kathy Ellis, Community Development) City of Knoxville

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
1) Replace sashes of two front windows with wood windows, in same pane configuration (6 over 1); 2) Install exterior deck over old garage area at rear of structure, using railing of 2" balusters on 4-5" spacing set into top and bottom rails; 3) install rear basement door, 6 panel metal, located under rear deck/garage; 4) Repair brickwork, repointing as necessary, using Preservation Brief No. 2 provisions and low-Portland content mortar, to stabilize brick elements on house, including chimney.

Craftsman (c.1910)
    One story frame with brick veneer wall covering. Cross gable roof with telescoping gabled roof on front porch and asphalt shingle roof covering, knee braces. Double hung windows with six light Prairie style upper sash and one light lower sash. One story one-half front porch with square brick columns and metal balustrade, bead board ceiling. Exterior offset brick chimney. Brick foundation, raised at back with added garage and deck at first story level. Rectangular plan. Original six light front entry door with panels.

Liz Upchurch

Case History