Historic Zoning Commission

Ft. Sanders NC-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 30107FTS. Proposed addition is a one story addition that is located on the rear (south elevation) at the basement level. It will not interfere with the primary visible side and front elevations.

Location Knoxville
1302 White Ave

Danny and Diane Owen - (Matthew Kellogg, Representative) (Matthew Kellogg, Representative)

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Construct a gable roof greenhouse with wood framed large paned fixed windows, brick faced foundation to height of existing, half-view paneled entry door, one story structure, at southeast corner of existing.

Queen Anne (1894)
    The Schmitt House is a Baumann and Baumann design. Two and one-half stories tall, with raised brick basement, wood weatherboard on first floor and wood shingles on second. Hipped roof with lower cross gables emphasized by the use of imbricated shingles, recessed balcony appearing on the front gable under a curvilinear opening supported by tapered round wood columns and a turned wood balustrade. On the east elevation, the imbricated shingles covering the gable are interrupted by a curvilinear overhang that tops a casement window. Windows throughout the house are one over one double hung wood sash. Window hood on the front (north) façade window topped by an overhanging second story and adjoined by the front and side wrap around porch with a shallow pitch and a gable at the entry. Above the porch on the north elevation is an octagonal bay window. A second octagonal bay window appears on the east (side) elevation ground floor and is topped by a squared second story. Beneath the bay on the east elevation garage doors provide access to basement parking, probably an early modification to the house's architecture. The front porch is highlighted by a turned balustrade with shingled square corner bases supporting tripled, slender tapering porch columns with Tuscan capitols. Flat roofed addition at back of the east elevation.

Danny and Diane Owen - (Matthew Kellogg, Representative) (Matthew Kellogg, Representative)

Case History