Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level III


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 30206ONKC. Proposed construction is consistent with adopted design guidelines. (See pg. 27, New Construction Sections G-K.

Location Knoxville
1620 Fremont Pl

Melissa Sorrentino - (Sky Builders) (Sky Builders)

Applicant Request
Level III. New construction of primary building(s) or deviation from guidelines
Construction of new single story residence on conventional stuccoed block foundation with minimum height of 18"; wood weatherboard; 9/12 roof pitch; front elevation and front side elevation windows ratio of 1:2, rear windows 3'0"x5'0', and all double hung windows 1/1 sash; 7-8' deep front porch with square wood columns 6"x6", 2'x2" square cut wood spindles on 3-4" centers set in top and bottom rails per site plan and drawings submitted 3/6/2006. Proposed building is Neoclassical with front gable roof and applied cornice at edge of front porch.


Melissa Sorrentino - (Sky Builders) (Sky Builders)

Case History