Historic Zoning Commission

Village of Concord HZ:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Proposed infill buildings are consistent with each other and with other new buildings in this area and will present a unified design that affirms their construction date, while blending with the historic Village as a whole.

Location Knox County
Amberjack Way

Streets in proposed subdivision include Amberjack Lane, extended Lourdes Lane

Gary Duncan - Sentinel Builders

Applicant Request
Construct 8 new houses on 9 lot subdivision, using lots 1, 2, 4-9. Previous approval (File No. 7303CON) includes street widths and street pattern, and tentative approval of elevations, with request that garages be side entry. Lots 1 &7 - two story brick veneer and vinyl siding with one-third front porch with round metal columns, cross gable roof and double hung six over six windows; Lot 2 - one and one-half story side gable roof with lower cross gables, one bay central front porch, gabled dormers, and brick or vinyl siding wall coverings; Lot 4, two story frame with brick and vinyl siding wall covering, full shed roofed front porch, double hung windows; Lots 5 & 9 - two story frame with one story wrap around front and side porch, cross gable roof, brick and vinyl wall covering; Lot 6 - Two story frame with hip roof with lower cross gable, one story two thirds front porch with shed roof and centered gable at entry, paired double hung windows; Lot 8 - Two story frame with brick veneer and vinyl siding wall covering, hip roof with lower telescoping gables, one story shed roofed two thirds front porch and paired and single double hung windows.
NOTE: House plans may be locatedon different lots within subdivision provided: 1) a final record of their location is supplied to HZC; and 2) duplicate designs are not built on adjoining lots.

Vacant land.
    New houses as follows: Lots 1 &7 - two story brick veneer and vinyl siding with one-third front porch with round metal columns, cross gable roof and double hung six over six windows; Lot 2 - one and one-half story side gable roof with lower cross gables, one bay central front porch, gabled dormers, and brick or vinyl siding wall coverings; Lot 4, two story frame with brick and vinyl siding wall covering, full shed roofed front porch, double hung windows; Lots 5 & 9 - two story frame with one story wrap around front and side porch, cross gable roof, brick and vinyl wall covering; Lot 6 - Two story frame with hip roof with lower cross gable, one story two thirds front porch with shed roof and centered gable at entry, paired double hung windows; Lot 8 - Two story frame with brick veneer and vinyl siding wall covering, hip roof with lower telescoping gables, one story shed roofed two thirds front porch and paired and single double hung windows.

Gary Duncan - Sentinel Builders

Case History