Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level I/II


One story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, curvilinear sawn wood bargeboard in front gable, and asphalt shingle roof covering. One over one and two over two double hung windows, with one over ones on front façade. One story full front porch with round wood columns with Doric capitals and projecting centered gabled portico, concrete floor, buttressed concrete front steps. Two interior offset corbelled brick chimneys. Brick foundation, stuccoed in places. Irregular plan. Root cellar in basement. Irregularly shaped multiple porch enclosures and additions on rear.

Location Knoxville
1418 Grainger Ave 37917

Paul Kenneth Doyle

Applicant Request
Level I and II. Replacement/repair; addition of new space
Guttering; Masonry repair/painting; Porch elements; Roofing; Siding; Windows; Other: rear addition
Level I: Repair existing house, using like materials and identical design, to include repairing existing porch columns and adding new matching square base; repair existing wood siding as necessary; repair existing windows (1/1 on front façade and 2/2 on side elevations; repair concrete front porch deck as necessary; reroof, using dimensional shingles and ridge vents; install new gutters; install storm windows; remove non-functioning shutters; repair front soffit with like materials and design; install wood louvered attic vent in front gable to replace existing metal vent; repair sag in roof around front facing dormer; remove existing security door; repair masonry foundation and stone front retaining wall as necessary; tuckpoint and repair existing chimneys using specifications in Preservation Brief No. 2 and ONK Design guidelines.

Queen Anne Cottage with Neoclassical influence (1891).
    One story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, curvilinear sawn wood bargeboard in front gable, and asphalt shingle roof covering. One over one and two over two double hung windows, with one over ones on front façade. One story full front porch with round wood columns with Doric capitals and projecting centered gabled portico, concrete floor, buttressed concrete front steps. Two interior offset corbelled brick chimneys. Brick foundation, stuccoed in places. Irregular plan. Root cellar in basement. Irregularly shaped multiple porch enclosures and additions on rear.

Carl Lansden

Case History