Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Proposed work is consistent with adopted 4th & Gill Design Guidelines.

Location Knoxville
1111 Luttrell St

Roy and Ellen Liuzza

Applicant Request
Guttering; Porch elements; Roofing; Siding
Remove existing enclosure around side porch and replace with screens, using same roof line and side walls. Fabricate and install square columns and balustrade to match front porch and interior details with central door utilizing existing step to exit. Remove existing vinyl siding on house, repair wood siding or replace in kind to match existing. Rebuild existing outbuilding (stable), repairing structural decay and reframing, replacing or repairing existing wood siding as necessary in kind (retaining and repairing barn doors), repairing or replacing windows as necessary with windows that match original pane configuration, and adding wiring and plumbing.

Queen Anne (c.1895)
    Two story frame with artificial siding wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, asphalt shingle roof covering. One over one double hung windows. One story front and side wrap around front porch (c.1920) with brick columns, sawn wood balustrade, tongue and groove floor and bead board ceiling. Exteior side stuccoed chimney. Stuccoed brick foundation. Irregular plan. Sidelights and transom at original front entry and secondary entry with French door with transom. Two story bay on south elevation. Two story cutaway bay on north elevation. Enclosed side porch on south elevation added c. 1920.

    One and one-half story stable at rear of lot, with weatherboard wall covering. Jerkin head hip roof with asphalt roll roof covering. Large sliding plank doors facing Luttrell.

Roy and Ellen Liuzza

Case History