Historic Zoning Commission
Village of Concord HZ: Level II
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of Certificate 3-F-23-HZ, subject to the following conditions: 1) façade (west elevation) window and door placement to be retained; 2) final window specifications to be submitted to staff for approval; 3) documentation to be provided regarding board-and-batten siding, with wood lap siding as a secondary option.
Location Knox County
1000 Olive Rd. 37934
OwnerStephanie and Charles Stephanie and Charles Ellis
Applicant Request
Doors; Siding; WindowsExterior rehabilitation, involving revisions to window and door placement. Removal of vinyl lap siding and brick veneer and installation of wood, board-and-batten siding.
Façade (west elevation, fronting Olive Road): replace centrally-located door with a new double-hung, one-over-one, wood window; replace existing window on leftmost bay with smaller sized double-hung, one-over-one, wood window.
Rear elevation (east, fronting Cedar Street): remove two-bay garage door and install two double-hung, one-over-one, wood windows and a secondary access door.
Right side elevation (south): reversing locations of centrally located doors and windows. On the right-most bay (non-historic, c.1990, two-story garage), adding paired double-hung wood windows to first story.
APPROVED 3.16.23, subject to the following conditions: 1) façade (west elevation) window and door placement to be retained; 2) final window specifications to be submitted to staff for approval; 3) documentation to be provided regarding board-and-batten siding, with wood lap siding as a secondary option.
Modifications approved by staff 6.1.23: windows to be 3/1, double-hung, wood with trim and casings to match submitted specs; diamond-patterned siding on gable fields.
Staff Comments
Bailey-Smith House. Altered Folk Victorian, c.1895.One-story frame residence with a side-gable roof with intersecting front-gable. Applied board-and-batten wall covering with an extended height brick foundation. One-over-one replacement windows. L-shaped plan.
3. If replacement windows are necessary, they must be the same overall size as the originals, with the same pane division, and the same muntin style and exterior depth, width, and profile. Thermal sash windows that use false or snap-on muntins are not acceptable.
6. It can be appropriate to design and install additional windows on the rear or another secondary elevation. The designs should be compatible with the overall design of other windows in the building.
7. Historic windows shall not be blocked in. If ceilings have been dropped, provide a setback to allow for the full height of the original window openings. Do not cut across an existing window with a new floor or ceiling, so that the outside appearance of the window is changed.
1. Entry features that must be preserved include sidelights and transoms, fan light windows, entablatures, and original doors. All add character to the structures in the historic district.
2. It may be appropriate to design or construct a new entrance if the historic one is missing. Any restoration must be based on historical, pictorial, and physical documentation and should be compatible with the historic character of the building.
3. A replacement entrance shall not create a false historic appearance. A new entrance should be compatible in size, scale, materials, and color.
4. Original entrances shall not be removed when rehabilitating a building.
6. Secondary entrances shall be compatible with the originals in size, scale, and materials.
Exterior Wall Coverings: Wood
2. If replacement of original features is necessary, the new materials shall match the old in size, placement, and design, including not only wood siding but also wood and asphalt shingles.
4. The removal of synthetic sidings such as aluminum, asbestos, and vinyl and the restoration of the original wood siding is encouraged.
6. Consideration for determining the appropriateness of a change in siding will be based on the following criteria: what is the age of the building? Is it contributing or significant to the district? Where is the building located within the district? Are the proposed changes visible from the street or on a primary façade?