Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City H-1: Level IV


One-story frame with asbestos siding and asphalt tile roofing. L-shaped plan with side-gabled main roof and intersecting front gable. Later-added battered stone porch columns. One-over-one double-hung windows. Two interior brick chimneys. Brick foundation with concrete slab front porch.

Location Knoxville
2106 Jefferson Ave 37917

Gary Gary Harris

Applicant Request
Level IV. Demolition or relocation of contributing structure
Demolition of building assessed by Neighborhood Code Enforcement Officer as public safety hazard.

Folk Victorian (c. 1905)
    One-story frame with asbestos siding and asphalt tile roofing. L-shaped plan with side-gabled main roof and intersecting front gable. Later-added battered stone porch columns. One-over-one double-hung windows. Two interior brick chimneys. Brick foundation with concrete slab front porch.

Better Building Board Better Building Board City of Knoxville, - Robert Moyers Robert Moyers

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History