Historic Zoning Commission

Ft. Sanders NC-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE with the addition of provisions for shade trees on the edges of property fronting on Bridge, Laurel and Thirteenth.

Location Knoxville
1301 Bridge Ave

Michael Brady, Inc. - Michael Merschat Michael Merschat

Applicant Request
Architectural feature; Windows
Install three story stair towers; install balconies at windows; install wrought iron railings on connecting upper story walkways; install landscaping at parking lot; install siding on exterior courtyard walls; install new windows.

No Style (c.1960)
    Four story brick apartment building at 1301 Bridge, and within the same complex, at 303 Thirteenth Street, three story brick apartment building, all non-contributing.

Michael Brady, Inc. - Michael Merschat Michael Merschat

Case History