Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H: Level I/II


From NRHP nomination: Two and one-half story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Gable roof with asphalt shingle covering, fish scale wood shingles
in gables, applied trim on gable on front elevation, rectangular sawn wood attic vents and semi-circular small-paned windows in gable. Canted corners on east and north elevation with sawn wood trim with drop pendants. Double hung two over two windows with some leaded, stained glass and Queen Anne windows. One story wrap around front and side porch with turned columns and milled balustrade. Second story one bay porch with turned columns and spindle work balustrade. Two interior offset brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Reportedly designed by George Barber.

Location Knoxville
523 E. Oklahoma Ave. 37917

Sean Sean Bolen - Alison Hardy Alison Hardy

Applicant Request
Architectural feature; Guttering; Porch; Roofing; Siding; Windows
Replace existing roof cladding with dimensional shingles. Install new gutters. Repair existing wood siding and architectural details or replace in-kind, with size, design, and materials to match existing. Replace tongue-and-groove porch flooring in-kind; replace wood beadboard ceiling sections where damaged. Repair to existing wood windows. Above scopes of work approved administratively 3/1/2023.

Below scopes of work to be reviewed by HZC 3/16/2023.

Chimney removal or reconstruction: applicant is requesting option 1: to remove the remainder of a brick masonry chimney on the southwest section of the roof slope (chimney demolished by a falling tree in approximately 2013) and option 2: to reconstruct the chimney with details and dimensions comparable to a brick masonry chimney of a similar period. Potential replacement in-kind of original wood windows.

Condition of approval per 3/16/2023 HZC meeting: 1) final specifications for any replacement windows to be submitted to staff for approval. Both chimney options approved by HZC.

Staff Comments
Eastlake, c.1889
    From NRHP nomination: Two and one-half story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Gable roof with asphalt shingle covering, fish scale wood shingles
    in gables, applied trim on gable on front elevation, rectangular sawn wood attic vents and semi-circular small-paned windows in gable. Canted corners on east and north elevation with sawn wood trim with drop pendants. Double hung two over two windows with some leaded, stained glass and Queen Anne windows. One story wrap around front and side porch with turned columns and milled balustrade. Second story one bay porch with turned columns and spindle work balustrade. Two interior offset brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Reportedly designed by George Barber.

A. Roofs
3. Repair or replace roof details (chimneys, roof cresting, finials, attic vent windows, molding, bargeboards and other unique roof features). Use some of these details in designing new buildings.

F. Masonry
5. Replace an entire masonry feature that is too deteriorated to repair. Use the remaining physical evidence to guide the new work, and match new to old. Examples can include large sections of a wall, a cornice, balustrade, columns, stairways, or chimneys.

B. Windows
1. Original windows shall be reused if possible. It will be much less expensive and much better historically to retain the original windows, and it is inappropriate to replace them with new windows that differ in size, material, or pane division.
2. If replacement windows are necessary, they shall be the same overall size as the originals, with the same pane division and the same muntin depth, width, and profile. They shall be the same materials as the original windows, which were generally wood.

Sean Sean Bolen - Alison Hardy Alison Hardy

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.lanois@knoxplanning.org

Case History