Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends denial without prejudice of Certificate 3-E-21-IH, due to the proposal not meeting the Infill Housing design guidelines. If the Board chooses to approve Certificate 3-E-21-IH, approval should be conditioned on a steeper roof pitch (6/12 or above), the addition of a porch to meet design guidelines, the use of lap siding instead of Dutch lap, the addition of windows on side elevations, the revision of parking placement to meet design guidelines, and revision of site plan to provide front and side setbacks more consistent with the context.

3333 Johnston St.

CMH Homes, Inc

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The house is proposed to be sited in the rear left (southwest) corner of the lot. The lot is uniquely large and shaped, measuring 223' long on the Johnston Street (front) elevation and approximately 115' deep. The house is proposed to be set 60.55' from the front property line, 11.78' from the left (south) property line, and approximately 135' from the right (north) property line.

3311 Johnston St is set approximately 20' from the main massing to the front property line. Across the street, 3334, 3314, and 3310 Johnston are all in the range of 15'-30' from the property line. While the block does not have as consistent a streetscape pattern as adjacent Minnesota Avenue or Midway Street, setting the house in a rear corner at 61' from the front property line will further create an irregular front yard pattern. The site plan does not include a walkway from the sidewalk or street to the front door.

2. The new house is not proportional to the dimensions of the lot or other historic houses on the block. The existing block does not retain a large deal of historic structures from which to draw context; several of the houses are modern infill which were constructed prior to the Infill Housing overlay. The proposed side yard setbacks are not compatible with the context; the rhythm of spacing between houses is not consistent.

3. Parking is proposed for the front yard, which is discouraged in design guidelines. Guidelines also note that garages or parking pad should be at least 20' behind the front façade of the infill house. There is no proposed landscaping or fencing.

4. The proposed house is not similar in scale or massing to the surrounding context; the house is a Ranch-style house which is significantly wider than original houses in the neighborhood. The house does not include extensions or bays.

5. The house does not incorporate a porch proportional to original houses in the neighborhood. There are three steps leading up to the doorway, which does not qualify as a stoop.

6. While the provided rendering shows one-over-one windows, the elevation drawing shows six-over-six vinyl windows. Six-over-six windows are generally not considered appropriate for a historic context. There are no windows on the side elevations ("attention should be paid to window placement and the ratio of solid to void").

7. The roof has a 3/12 pitch, which is lower than any historic houses on the block. The minimum pitch approved by the board has generally been 6/12.

8. The proposed vinyl siding, stuccoed foundation, and asphalt shingle roof does meet the design guidelines; however, the vinyl Dutch lap siding is commonly discouraged in Infill Housing reviews. Lap siding with an overlap to resemble wood clapboard siding would be more appropriate.

9. The site plan retains sufficient trees to meet guidelines.

Staff Comments
Proposed new primary structure. Structure is a one-story, multi-sectional manufactured house measuring approximately 56' wide by 26'-4" long, with a 20" tall foundation. The house is proposed to be placed 60.55' from the front property line, approximately 12' from the right (south) side property line and approximately 135' from the left side (north) property line. A 10' wide existing driveway extends from Johnston Street to be located on the left (north) side of the house.

The house features a side-gable roof clad in asphalt shingles, with a 3/12 pitch. The façade features a small 3/12 front-gable roof massing, which is flush with the primary façade, and an entry stoop. Windows are 6/16 vinyl single-hung, with no windows on right or left side elevations. The house is proposed to be clad in vinyl Dutch lap siding and rest on a concrete slab foundation. A 5' by 5' wood deck is located on the rear elevation.

Case History