Historic Zoning Commission
Tazewell Pike NC-1: Level III
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the work as proposed, with the following conditions: 1) windows and doors to match specifications submitted by applicant and not those on house plans, with final approval by staff; 2) when enclosing the front and rear porch gables instead of the open timbers, maintain the horizontal member at the bottom of the gable field, eave overhangs consistent with the other front gable, and the triangular wood brackets; 3) install one additional window on the left elevation (left of the shed-roof bay) and one additional window on the right elevation, with approval by staff and 4) window and door trim and cornerboards to be 4".
Location Knoxville
4002 Tazewell Pk. 37918
OwnerKate Kate Belissary - Cabin LLC Cabin LLC
Applicant Request
Level III. Construction of new primary building
Other: New constructionProposed single-family residence at 4002 Tazewell Pike. House proposed for the east/southeast side of Tazewell Pike, in place of a house which burned and was demolished in May 2019. The house is 45' wide by 47' long on the southwest elevation and 58' long on the northeast elevation (including the front porch). The house is set back 122' from Tazewell Pike, with a front setback that is almost identical to the previous house. The one-story house has a side-gable roof with a 7/12 pitch, clad in asphalt shingles, with two nested front-gable roof massings projecting to the front, also with a 7/12 pitch.
The house is a contemporary adaptation of the Craftsman style. The house will rest on a stuccoed foundation. The exterior siding will be Hardie Board lap siding, with a 6" exposure, featuring Hardie trim and Hardie corner boards.
The façade (northwest) features two nested front-gable roof massings, with the 9'-6" deep front porch projecting from the left side of the facade. The larger front gable field is clad in Hardie shingle siding. The porch features decorative wood brackets, a triangular wood vent, and stuccoed pier supports. Porch railing is simple wood pickets. House plans show an open gable with wood timbering; applicant is proposing a closed front-gable field with Hardie shingle cladding. The primary entry is a six-light Craftsman-style door with single-light sidelights and a transom (door specifications to match those submitted in additional documentation, not basic house plans).
A secondary entry is located on the right (southwest) elevation. Left (northeast) elevation to feature a small shed-roof massing that projects 2'-6" from the elevation, and a chimney clad in brick veneer. The rear (southeast) elevation features a centrally-located 13' wide, gable-roof porch. Rear elevation will feature paired, multi-light fiberglass doors.
Window sizes vary but windows to match specifications provided by applicant; Pella Impervia fiberglass, double-hung sash with a Craftsman-style 3/1 pattern.
Other proposed details include 6" Hardie trim around the windows, 6" Hardie cornerboards, exposed rafter tails, and triangular wood brackets.
Conditions identified at 3/19/20 HZC meeting:
1) Windows and doors to match specifications submitted by applicant and not those on house plans
2) Enclosed front and rear porch gables, with eave overhangs consistent with house and triangular wood brackets
3) One additonal window on left elevation (left of the shed-roof bay) and one additional window on the right elevation
4) Window and door trim and cornerboards to be 4"
Staff Comments
N/AVacant lot. Previous house was a one-story Craftsman-style house which was damaged by fire in 2018 and demolished in 2019.
1. New houses facing Tazewell Pike should be developed with similar front yard setbacks to that of existing houses in order to maintain the pleasing aesthetics of the corridor. Any new subdivisions should be created behind contributing buildings.
2. It is the policy of MPC and the City of Knoxville to avoid creating drainage problems in areas near this district. Due to sinkhole flooding, especially in Harrill Hills, the City Engineering Department may request that increased run-off, resulting from the construction of additional impervious surfaces, be handled by on-site storage of run-off or such offsite measures as increasing flood storage capacity of sinkhole basins.
New Development and Additions
In constructing new houses, accessory buildings and additions:
1. New houses on vacant lots shall be located no closer to Tazewell Pike than adjacent houses.
2. For lots that front Tazewell Pike, new homes should be sited with the front facade and entrances facing Tazewell Pike.
Building and Roof Form
The houses of the district are not simple box-like structures. There is diversity in the design of houses. In looking at the contributing structures, there are no two houses that are alike. With the exception of two-story, Federal revival styles, the rooflines typically have variations that are formed with offset gables, telescoping gables and dormers. Wings often extend to side of the main body of the houses and porches generally add aesthetically pleasing variation to the district's housing.
In Constructing New Houses:
1. The type of features that have formed the aesthetics of contributing structures should be incorporated in new residential design, including such elements as wings, porches, bays, dormers, or entry features and windows that were traditionally used in the district.
2. The minimum roof pitch shall be 7/12.
Clapboard and brick are the most common building materials and were used in each era of development. Shingles were occasionally used, particularly in Craftsman styles.
In constructing new buildings, the following materials should be used:
1. Clapboard or such clapboard-like materials as cement fiberboard, vinyl or aluminum siding
2. Shingle or shingle-like siding
3. Brick which is uniform in color
4. Quarried, cut stone which is generally laid in horizontal layers
5. Board and batten can be used in accessory buildings to the side or back yards.
Access and Parking
Most of the houses along Tazewell Pike were built in the "automobile age." With a few exceptions, garages are located behind houses or with doors facing the side lot. Cars are not parked in front yard spaces. The visual impact of car parking and storage is minimized. These foregoing traditions form the basis of these guidelines. For new construction facing Tazewell Pike:
1. Garage doors for attached garages shall be located to the side yard or side street and shall be designed, using windows, materials and roof pitches, to appear as a component of the house.
2. Detached garages shall be located behind and to the side of the house as illustrated on this page.
Landscapes, Walls, and Fencing
Prior to grading, a site plan should be prepared depicting trees to be conserved with new development. 1. The front yards of new houses constructed along Tazewell Pike shall have at least two, large, native trees that reach an excess of 50' in height at maturity (for example, an oak, maple, magnolia or pine) and two, smaller native ornamental trees (for example, dogwood).*
2. The front and back yards of new houses built behind houses facing Tazewell Pike should have at least one native tree and one native ornamental tree.*
*Existing trees may be counted in meeting the standard.