Staff Recommendation
Approve enclosure of lower rear porch as per submitted drawing (4-21-2016) with condition that type of window -- casment vs. double-hung -- to be approved by staff, as well as wood vertical wainscotting type below windows.
Approve installation of diamond-shaped window to the right of the original front door opening with condition that wood framing based on submitted documentation of historical existance with framing to match type and width of that which existed on original window openings.
Staff recommends approval of installing new wood double-hung windows of a 2/2 configuration as stated in the 1986 survey as being original to the house. Approval of installing new front door with transom and sidelights in documented original front opening, and removing non-original front door openings. Install window to right of front door with condition that it is a diamond shape of a size documented by existing framing. Staff cannot recommend approval of altenring the original configuration of the house by infilling the rear corner porch. Staff recommends obtaining further professional opinions on how to remediate the stormwater run-off in the back of the house, and presenting any alternative alterations to the HZC at a future date.