Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Approve enclosure of lower rear porch as per submitted drawing (4-21-2016) with condition that type of window -- casment vs. double-hung -- to be approved by staff, as well as wood vertical wainscotting type below windows.

Approve installation of diamond-shaped window to the right of the original front door opening with condition that wood framing based on submitted documentation of historical existance with framing to match type and width of that which existed on original window openings.

Staff recommends approval of installing new wood double-hung windows of a 2/2 configuration as stated in the 1986 survey as being original to the house. Approval of installing new front door with transom and sidelights in documented original front opening, and removing non-original front door openings. Install window to right of front door with condition that it is a diamond shape of a size documented by existing framing. Staff cannot recommend approval of altenring the original configuration of the house by infilling the rear corner porch. Staff recommends obtaining further professional opinions on how to remediate the stormwater run-off in the back of the house, and presenting any alternative alterations to the HZC at a future date.

Location Knoxville
129 E Oklahoma Ave 37917

John and David John and David Holmes

Applicant Request
Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements
Additions; Doors; Porch elements; Windows

Enclose lower level porch with at least 6-inch offsets from corners of house in the style of a sleeping porch or sunroom. Remove existing late-added steps. Install three ~36"x78" single-paned casement or 1/1 double-hung windowson the north side and two matching windows on the rear, with window frames abutting each other as shown in 4/19/16 submitted drawings. Install half-light wood door with panels below on rear of addition, with single-light transom above. Sheathe addition with 3-foot high vertical beadboard or board and batten wainscotting below and siding above to match that on main house. Upper porch to remain open with balustrade with 2x2 pickets spaced ~4 inches on center, with entire balustrade being 36 inches in height. Top rail to be molded or beveled. Existing hipped roof over rear 2nd-level porch to be repaired as needed and supported by 6x6 square posts as are existing. The corner trim on the enclosure below will align with the width of the roof support posts above.

Install diamond-shaped window with wood framing based of documentation of historical existance to right of original front door opening. Framing to match type and width of that which existed on original window openings. framing to match type and width of that which existed on original window openings.

Replace non-original metal frame windows with wooden 1/1 double-hungs within original openings on sides and front. Install wooden 1/1 double-hung windows on rear and northeast kitchen window within existing altered smaller window openings. Remove two non-original doors from the front façade. Install period-appropriate door with transom into documented original opening and more central opening, along with sidelights if their historic existance can be documented. Replace attic dormer windows with those having period-appropriate muntins and pane divisions.

Install a window to right of new front door based on framing. Enclose rear recessed 12x12 porches on 1st and 2nd levels and sheathe with wood siding to match that on main house. Retain original porch roof line over addition.

Staff Comments
Queen Anne eclectic (c. 1895)
    Two-story frame with asbestos shingle wallcovering. Hip roof with paired gabled dormers on front elevation with square attic windows and hipped dormers with wood shingle wallcovering. Double-hung two-over-two windows. Two-story three-quarter front porch with Doric capitals on round wood columns, sawn wood balustrade on second-story porch and first-story balustrade of top rail supported by sawn wood brackets. Two interior offset brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. (Contributing)

1. Locate exterior additions at the rear of or on an
inconspicuous side of a historic building, limiting
the size and scale in relationship to the historic
building, and using appropriate proportions.

2. Design new additions so that it is clear what
is historic and what is new.

3. Consider the attached exterior addition both
in terms of the new use and the appearance
of other buildings in the district. Additions shall be
distinguishable from the historic building, but shall
be compatible in terms of mass, materials, size, texture,
and scale. Additions shall be designed so they can
be removed without destroying the form of
the historic building.

5. Before expanding the size of the historic
building with a new addition, try reconfiguring
interior space that does not define the historic
character of the building in order to
accommodate the new space needs.

6. Do not cause a loss of historic character
through a new addition.

WINDOW Design Guidelines have been applied.

John and David John and David Holmes

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History