Historic Zoning Commission
Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II
Staff Recommendation
Approval of new deck construction with the condition that the handrails on deck and steps to be molded to meet building code for circumference of grip.
Location Knoxville
920 Eleanor St 37917
OwnerJarred Jarred Russell
Applicant Request
Level II. Construction of addition or outbuilding, replace front door
DeckConstruct 101x10 treated wood deck on back elevation with wood steps located parallel to the deck. 2x2 square balusters to die into top and bottom rails of deck balustrade.
Staff Comments
Craftsman (c. 1910)One-and-one half-story frame with brick veneer wallcovering. Side-gable roof with front-gable dormer, asphalt roll roof covering, exposed rafters, six-over- one double-hung windows. One-story full front proch with brick piers and splayed wood posts, tongue-and-groove floor. Brick foundation. Rectangular plan . Original multi-light French door at front entry.
NEW ADDITIONS (all 4th and Gill Design Guidelines may apply)
1. Locate attached exterior additions at the rear or on an inconspicuous side of a historic building, limiting the size and scale in relationship to the historic building.
2. Design new additions in a manner that makes clear what is historic and what is new.
3. Consider the attached exterior addition both in terms of the new use and the appearance of other buildings in the Historic district. Design for the new work may be contemporary or may reference design motifs from the historic buildings. In either case, it should always be clearly differentiated from the historic building and be compatible in terms of mass, materials, size, texture, scale, relationship of solids to voids, and color.
4. Place new additions, such as balconies or solar greenhouses, on non-character-defining elevations, and limit the size and scale in relationship to the historic building.
7. New work should not appear to be as old as the historic building. Do not duplicate the exact form, material, style,and detailing of the historic building in the new addition.
8. New additions should not cause a lessening or loss of historic character, including the historic building's design, materials, workmanship, location, or setting.
1. Entry features that should be preserved include sidelights and
transoms of plain, patterned, beveled or stained glass, fan light
windows, entablatures, and the original doors. All add character
to the structures within the Fourth and Gill Historic District.
5. Determine if a storm door will be instrumental to saving energy.
If a storm door is used, it should have a color-clad frame and a
full view glass, or be designed to respect the original entry door.
Security doors should follow the same guidelines .
7. Missing doors should be replaced with new doors appropriate
for the style and period of the building. In replacing missing
original doors, replacement doors should mimic doors typical
for that architectural style, including materials, glazing, and pane
configuration. Solid six-panel or flush wood or steel design doors
should only be used for entrances not visible from the public
street. "Decorator" designed doors available from wholesale
hardware stores are usually not appropriate for the architectural
styles of the Fourth & Gill Historic District.