Historic Zoning Commission

Individual Landmark: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate 22806GEN. The proposed alterations meet the Secretary of Interior's Standards, provided the mitigation measures described below are followed.

Location Knoxville
1060 World's Fair Park Dr

Cardinal Properties/Jason DeBord

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Masonry repair/painting; Windows
Replace windows with multi-pane windows flanking new single fixed pane windows with transoms, sized to fit existing openings. Multi-paned windows may be either double hung or have a central awning opening. Approve instllation of balconies on each and west elevations; balconies to have metal floors and horizontal railings, as approved at march 16, 2006, HZC meeting.

Commercial Vernacular with Art Deco influence (c.1925)
    Five story brick building, replacement metal framed large pane windows on all elevations. Cornice of cast stone string courses framing large window openings. Parapet at roofline with flat roof and mechanical penthouse. Recessed section (original loading platform for rail transportation) on rear (east) elevation. Modifications to west elevation (façade) to incorporate storefront type entrances at time of World's Fair. The south façade forms the primary elevation of original building, with two bays with a centered recessed entrance marked by cast stone engaged pilasters and a gabled portico. North elevation with continuation of cornice, replacement windows and other features common to remainder of building.

Cardinal Properties/Jason DeBord

Case History