Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 3-D-22-IH, subject to the following conditions:
1) Final site plan to meet City Engineering standards and Infill Housing design guidelines, staying within impervious surface limits;
2) Incorporate an additional native or naturalized shade tree in the rear yard.

3315 McPherson St. 37921

Knox Housing Partnership Inc

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The average front setback of the blockface is 30'. The applicant has proposed a front setback of 20', in keeping with the base zoning code. The adjacent house at 3309 McPherson Street is set 22' from the front property line, and 3323 McPherson is nonconforming with the overall streetscape. The house is relatively centered on the lot, with side setbacks of 11' and 9'. The two new houses will be evenly spaced along the street. The site plan includes a walkway from the front door to the street.

2. The block features a range of house forms, including infill construction, modified Minimal Traditionals, and a Ranch house. The proposed house is proportionate to the dimensions of the lot.

3. The parking is proposed to extend off a paper alley/10' wide permanent access easement to the rear of the property. City Engineering has noted that currently, the alley is only usable up to 3309 McPherson Street (immediately to the left), then it crosses onto private property and is not in the right-of-way. However, the owners will create a permanent access easement on a plat. The final site plan submitted should meet City Engineering's requirements, stay within the impervious surface limits, and any necessary modifications to the parking should remain within the Infill Housing design guidelines.

5. The house's three-bay façade is comparable in scale to other houses along the street, with a similar façade width. The design features sufficient complexity, with a projecting front gable roof massing on the façade. The house features a concrete slab foundation, which is lower in height than typical historic foundations. However, the concrete slab foundation accommodates an accessibility ramp from the parking to the front porch, meeting a requirement of the City Homemakers Program to provide a zero-step entry. Existing houses on the block have similarly low foundations.

6. The design incorporates a 12' deep recessed front porch, with columns and trim elements appropriate for the design. The paired square columns on stuccoed bases are appropriate for the Craftsman-style design.

7. The proposed windows and doors meet the design guidelines and are compatible with the neighborhood context, and side elevations feature a sufficient amount of transparency.

8. At 6/12, roof pitch is sufficiently steep for the neighborhood context, and the projecting bay on the façade adds complexity to the overall design. The additional details of vertical gable siding and triangular brackets contribute to the house.

9. The proposed materials of asphalt shingle cladding, fiber cement lap siding, and a stuccoed foundation meet the design guidelines.

10. Case numbers 3-B-22-IH through 3-F-22-IH are five adjacent new construction projects on two sides of the same block. The applicant has successfully used changes in roof pitch, roof gable details, siding elements, and porch detailing to differentiate the five houses.

11. The site plan includes a native shade tree in the front yard and final site plan should incorporate an additional in the rear.

Staff Comments
New primary residence fronting McPherson Street. Front-gable roof residence measures 28' wide by 50' long overall, with a 12' deep porch recessed under the primary gable on the left half of the façade, and a front-gable roof massing projecting from the right half. The house is proposed to be set approximately 20.5' from the front property line. The parking extends off a 10' wide permanent access easement on the rear of the property (currently an improved paper alley which terminates at an adjacent property), featuring a concrete parking pad accessible by a curbed gravel drive.

The 6/12 pitch, front-gable roof is clad in asphalt shingles, the exterior is clad in fiber cement lap siding, and the house rests on a slab foundation (clad in stucco on exposed portions). The gable fields are clad in decorative vertical siding, with triangular roof brackets. On the façade (northeast elevation), the recessed porch is supported by paired square columns on stuccoed bases, featuring a one-over-one window adjacent to a half-light door. A lower front-gable roof massing, featuring triangular roof brackets, vertical siding on the gable field, and a paired one-over-one window, projects from the right half. There are three bays of windows on the left side elevation and three on the right. A secondary entry is located on the rear elevation, topped by a small shed roof.

Elizabeth Elizabeth Eason Elizabeth Eason Architecture LLC Eli

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History