Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the work as proposed, with the condition that the garage door, pedestrian door, and new vertical and horizontal support members be painted to complement the remainder of the garage and primary structure.

Location Knoxville
1355 Armstrong Ave. 37917

Jeff Jeff Lockett

Applicant Request
Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements
Accessory structure; Doors; Guttering
Proposed replacement of historic garage doors with a new, wood, Craftsman-style garage door and adjoining six-light wood entry door. Historic garage doors slide to open and applicant states they are not practical for parking a car inside the garage. Proposed garage door measures 12' wide by 7' tall, and features four panels, each panel with an eight-light window and three rectangular panels below. A wood, Craftsman-style door with matching design will be installed to the immediate left of the new garage door. An approximately ~8" vertical structural support will divide the pedestrian and garage door. Width of original garage opening will not be altered to receive new garage door and entry door, but the height of the opening is proposed to be decreased by 7" with the installation of a new horizontal beam to support garage doors.

Staff Comments
Tudor Revival, c.1910.
    One-and-one-half-story, frame garage with interior space on second story. Garage features an asymmetrical front-gable roof with wood fascia board, clad in stucco with decorative half-timbering. Second-story window is six-over-six, double-hung wood sash. Garage opening features two original wood doors, featuring six-light wood windows and rectangular wood panels. Garage is listed as a contributing outbuilding to Old North Knoxville National Register Historic District.

D. Entrances
4. A replacement entrance shall not create a false historic appearance. A new entrance or porch must be compatible in size, scale, or material.
7. Secondary entrances must be compatible with the original in size, scale and materials, but clearly secondary in importance.

M. Auxiliary or Outbuildings: new houses in the district might have had garages, with the same roof shapes and wall coverings that matched the primary building on the lot.
1. The design of outbuildings such as garages shall acknowledge and suggest the function of original outbuildings that would have been located in the neighborhood.
2. The design of features like garage doors that face the street shall mimic carriage house doors from an era consistent with the primary building on the lot.

Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation
1. A property shall be used for its historic purpose or be placed in a new use that requires minimal change to the defining characteristics of the building and its site environment.
9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment.

Case History