Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 218104&G. Proposed modifications to front proch columns and rail will reintroduce the appropriate Victorian-era design details that were probably removed from the building many years ago,

Location Knoxville
726 Deery St

Josh Wright

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Redesign front porch to be shed roof supported by turned wood columns elongating to squared base and with sawn wood brackets, connected by spindlework spandrel at roof line, with wood floor and beadboard ceiling.

Folk Victorian with Gothic Revival influence (c.1890)
    One story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Front gable roof with asphalt shingle roof covering, sawn wood bargeboard and corner brackets, sawn wood attic vent. Two over two double hung windows. One story full shed roof porch with replacement details. Interior central stuccoed chimney. Stuccoed foundation. Rectangular shotgun plan. Gothic arched pediment at front window.

Josh Wright

Case History