Design Review Board

Level 2: Major alteration of an existing building/structure


This case has been appealed

Staff Recommendation
APPROVE Certificate 3-C-20-DT as requested, subject to the following conditions:
1) Meeting all requirements of the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance.
2) Meeting all requirements of the Krutch estate administrator.
3) Meeting all requirements of the City of Knoxville License and Indemnity Agreement that is to be approved by City Council.Case File
531 S. Gay St.

Applicant Request
This proposal is a revision to a previously approved Certificate of Appropriateness and includes changes to the storefront facing Krutch Park, the patio design, access to the patio from the Gay Street sidewalk, lighting, and new signage.

Storefront (north elevation, facing Krutch Park) - The door layout and the transom design has changed but the opening in the Holston Building for the storefront will not change and the previously installed cornice above the storefront will remain. The brick veneer between the storefront bays and on the left and right sides of the storefront will remain as previously approved. The transom will have a design similar to the historic windows on the ground floor of the Holston Building, with a combination of tall single-pane windows on either side of a six-pane window. The storefront will have an aluminum finish to match the existing on the west (alley) elevation, and it will be constructed of fixed and operable doors and storefront infill between the doors. There are two sets of operable double doors, one in the left and right storefront bays. The main entrance to the restaurant will be the left (east) doorway. The storefront system will be slightly recessed from the exterior wall of the Holston Building. The operable doors will swing out over a portion of the proposed patio but it is unknown if they will swing over the Krutch Park property. All windows in the storefront will have clear glass.

Patio (Krutch Park) - The patio surface is proposed to be constructed of ADA accessible pervious pavers and will be surrounded by a metal railing that will have a similar design as the balcony railing on the upper floors. A walkway from the patio to the Gay Street sidewalk is proposed. The ADA accessible path to the main entrance may need to be constructed a different surface, such as concrete, but that will be determined during permitting.

Sign (north elevation, facing Krutch Park) - A 9' x 12 (108 sqft) painted sign on the east side of the elevation, near the Gay Street sidewalk. The sign will be painted on the brick wall that was previously painted and it will be externally illuminated. The light fixture will be ground-mounted and focused on the sign area. The fixture will be masked from view by landscaping.

Lighting - The storefront will have four sconce fixtures, located on the brick pilasters and to the sides of the storefront. The applicant is also considering gas lanterns in lieu of the electric sconces fixtures.

Landscaping - Installation of shrubs along the external boundary of the patio fencing and along the brick wall near the Gay Street sidewalk.

Staff Comments
The proposed work within Krutch Park requires approval from the administrator of the Krutch family estate and from City Council. The previous approvals for Clinch River Brewing Company were only applicable to that owner and any subsequent owners are required to obtain a new approval (agreement). The Krutch estate administrator can modify the previous agreement or deny patio and egress use of the park completely. Until there is an agreement in place for use of the park, the parameters for which the project must be designed are unknown. However, even if the board did approve the request as requested by the applicant, the portions of the project that require use agreements could not be issued permits until those are finalized.

Some of the concerns expressed by the Krutch estate administrator that needs to be addressed by the applicant include, maintaining the tranquil atmosphere of the park, protecting the existing trees from damage, and restricting direct access to Krutch Park from the restaurant with an exception for emergency egress.

Being that the use agreement between the restaurant owner and the Krutch estate administrator is not finalized, as well as the license and indemnity agreement with the City of Knoxville, there may be changes required to this plan that will require further review by the Design Review Board.

Applicable guidelines:

Beautifying downtown can occur through many different elements including architecture, landscape architecture, horticulture, art, and performing art. These elements provide expressions of local history and culture. They contribute to local identity and unique qualities of downtown. Public spaces should be designed to include art and beautification.
4a. Foster downtown beautification with landscaping and plantings, public art, and public open space.

Section 1.C.2. (STOREFRONTS)
Throughout downtown, historic buildings present a front elevation with an individual facade that is usually 25-35 feet wide. The storefronts are divided horizontally into three sections: bulkheads, solid or opaque, usually 18-24 inches tall; a plate glass storefront window 6-8 feet tall; and above it, a clear or patterned glass transom.

Section 1.C.3. (ENTRANCES)
Formal entrances to front facades should be retained. This includes entrances that are located above street level and accessed by exterior stairs. Altering or removing the main entrance to grant street-level access is not appropriate.
3a. Establish recessed entries, either rectangular or with slightly canted sides, which are appropriate in storefronts.
3b. Allow for multiple entries on the first floor of the building, giving access to commercial space that may be divided into bays.

Section 1.C.5. (MASONRY)
Masonry features should be retained and repaired; materials, including mortar, should match the original mortar in color and composition. Mortar joints should be sized and struck to match the original. Belt courses, string courses, dripstones, quoins and contrasting brick and stone are common. These features should be preserved and repaired if necessary, and should be introduced on infill buildings.
5a. Repair masonry with stone or brick and mortar that match the original.
5b. Do not paint masonry that has never been painted.

Commercial establishments need to advertise. However, advertising signs should be effective and appropriate to historic areas without contributing to visual clutter. Primary concerns are a sign's location, size, material, and illumination.
7b. Create signs that are proportional to the building where they are located.
7c. Do not light signs internally.
7d. Allow painted signs on building walls in the warehouse area along Jackson Avenue, and in some other locations along Gay Street.

Section 1.C.9. (LIGHTING)
Storefront windows may be lit with interior fixtures, entrances may be lit with overhead fixtures, and gooseneck fixtures can be used to highlight signs. Illumination may also be used to wash the building in light, emphasizing its distinctive architectural finishes.
9a. Use indirect lighting of the building facade where appropriate.

Infill construction should be designed to reflect architectural and historic qualities. Designs should not duplicate current buildings. Issues of concern will be the siting, size, shape, proportion, materials, and the relationship of all of those to the prevalent character of the historic district.
10c. Design windows to be of similar proportions to the adjacent historic building windows.
10f. Incorporate storefronts that complement the openness, bulkheads, and transoms of historic buildings.

Pittman / Johnson Architecture, Inc.

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History