Historic Zoning Commission
Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval with the final Craftsman garage door design to be chosen from those presented with this submittal.
Location Knoxville
119 W Glenwood Ave 37917
OwnerBlair Blair Christian - James James
Applicant Request
Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements
Accessory structure; Deck; Doors; Masonry repair/painting; Roofing; Siding; WindowsStorm Windows (Level 1)
Add in recessed storm windows. As unobtrusive as possible. Keith windows, same as house across the street and next door (122 and 125 W Glenwood). White aluminum on white window trim; dark bronze aluminum on black window trim.
Chimney Cap (Level 1)
Add in an aluminum or galvanized metal cap to both chimneys to keep water out since they are not currently functional. The lip of the cap would extend 24 inches over the top brick level of the chimney.
Roof Ridge Vent (Level 1)
Adding in roof ventilation in the form of a generic ridge vent, running front to back. Currently there is no attic ventilation other than unscreened attic windows.
Front Porch (Level 1)
Current porch has 1 or more rotten floor joists and stairs of different heights. We plan to replace them with in kind materials, best matching finish (gray oil based paint on floor)
Back Porch (Level 1)
Currently there is a bad leak into the basement. The wooden flooring will be removed and (technically) a roof will be installed over the floor joists (probably OSB with roofing membrane, adding an extra pitch away from house), then the original flooring (if it's in good shape; in kind otherwise) will be put back. There floor height will increase by .52".
Driveway (Level I)
We would like the option to replace the current gravel driveway with two 24"- wide concrete strips (with gray coloring and river rock added in to a generic concrete mix, or whatever the recommended concrete additions are).
Garage (Level II)
The current garage has severe issues and may require replacing more than 50% of materials. The two main issues are (1) a combination of the slab settling and detritus piling up over the years is causing rot at the base of wall and slab (there are sometimes sills there, mostly rotten) and (2) the roof is also falling down and there are big areas of rot in several roof trusses. The previous alley access has been blocked by a fence and the back garage door has been nailed shut and is currently inoperable (rot).
Structural Issue on Garage:
To fix the issue of rotting sills/exterior, we plan to put in one to two courses of CMU (below).
The future board and batten will hang down over the proposed CMU on the exterior, but will stop a couple inches above the soil. Proposed solution- add in onetwo courses of CMU with new PT sill plate, sistering in/replacing/adding studs as needed.
Garage Door Options
Replace existing rotted garage door with similar windowless Craftsman carriage garage doors in either metal or fiber glass similar to submitted photos.
Garage Door (walk- in)
A 2- panel wood or fiber cement door (an actual exterior door compared to the current door) and has the 2 panels.
The windows will be restored using the original panes (only one window has leaded glass) and original wood (if it's not too rotten), otherwise utilize the closest window router bit to the current pattern for the muntins/sills/sashes. Keep all windows the same size and mount matching shutters like the window on the west side to fit window dimensions.
Exterior Finish
Currently 3 of the 4 sides have slightly different exteriors. One side is board and batten, one side (with garage doors) is ~2" tongue and groove, and two sides are ~1/4" half-lap joints. The plan is to keep the exterior all white with board and batten finish like the east side,
Garage Roof
Increase the roof pitch by 1/12 for better rain protection
Staff Comments
Craftsman with Queen Anne and Prairie influences (c. 1910)Two-story frame with weatherboard wallcovering. Side gable roof with hipped dormers. Double- hung Prairie- over-one windows. One-story full front proch with square wood post and weatherboard-covered balustrade. Ione-story projecting bay on east elevation. Projecting enclosed entry. Interior offset chimney. Brick foundation. Irregluar plan. contribuating
c. 1910 garage. One-story with board and batten wallcovering. Front-gable rood with asphalt shingle covering. Nine-light fixed window and large one-light door. Side- openwindowless board doors facing alley.
M. Auxiliary or Outbuildings (excerpt ) (Any and all Design Guidelines may apply)
Auxiliary or outbuildngs were often used in Old North Knoxville, although many of them have
deteriorated or been destroyed over the years. Typical outbuildings would have included carriage
houses, barns outhouses or servants' quarters, often more than one story stall and built with
steeply pitched gable roofs or combined gable and shed roofs, with weatherboard or board
and batten wall covering. Smaller work sheds were also located in the neighborhood. New
houses in the district might have had garages, with the same roof shapes and wall coverings,
or with wall coverings that matched the primary building on the lot. Many garages and
outbuildings in Old North Knoxville are of later construction, and are not contributing buildings.
Consult the property descriptions in the Historic Designation Report if you question whether
an outbuilding is contributing.
2. The design of features like garage doors that
face the street shall mimic carriage house
doors from an era consistent with the
primary building on the lot.
4. Materials used in constructing outbuildings
or accessory buildings may only use
materials and design characteristics selected
from the following list: wood lap siding with
a four inch lap or board and batten; a 12/12
roof pitch; overhanging eaves; exposed rafter
tails; wood windows; masonry but not
exposed concrete block or split-face block;
garage doors appearing to be carriage doors
or plank doors with x-bracing or perimeter
reinforcing timbers.