Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level III


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 30409ONK. The proposed subdivision reintroduces the consistency of lot width typical of this historic district.

Location Knoxville
428 E Scott Ave

The Scott Project

Applicant Request
Level III. New Subdivision
Subdivide existing parcel (addressed at 428 E. Scott) into two parcels with one containing a commercial building and rear parking lot and the other containing the house and parking to one side at street (Scott) level..

Craftsman (424) and Commercial Vernacular (428)
    424 E. Scott: Craftsman (c.1915). One and one-half story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Side gable roof with asphalt shingle covering and front facing gabled dormer. Exposed rafter tails and corner brackets. One story full front porch with splayed square wood posts on brick piers. Exterior side brick chimney. One over one double hung windows. Exterior metal stair on south elevation leading to second story side entry. Brick foundation. Rectangular plan.

    428 E. Scott: Commercial Vernacular (c.1915). One story brick with central entry with transom, flanked by paired one over one windows with brick bulkhead, flat roof with front parapet wall, rectangular plan.

Charles Richmond

Case History