Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City H: Level I/II


One-and-one-half story frame residence with a hip and gable roof clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior of vinyl siding, and a brick masonry foundation. Front gable features partial cornice returns. One-story, two-bay front porch with wrought iron columns and balustrade. Replacement vinyl windows. Interior central brick chimney.

Location Knoxville
2328 Jefferson Ave. 37917

Matthew and Amanda Matthew and Amanda Beard

Applicant Request
Masonry repair/painting; Porch; Siding; Windows
Level 1 COA approved 2/19/2021: Removal of non-historic vinyl siding and repair of any existing wood clapboard siding underneath. If no wood siding remains, new wood lap siding, wood trim, and wood cornerboards to be installed.

Overall, rehabilitation project to remove non-historic modifications and restore house's original features and materials. Removal of non-historic vinyl siding; if wood lap siding underneath remains, it will be repaired or new wood clapboard siding will be installed. Removal of non-historic vinyl windows on façade and installation of new double-hung wood windows. On the façade, window under porch will match specifications for a decorative double-hung window with leaded glass in the upper pane. Window example shown selected from similar style and era house in neighborhood and 1910 Sears, Roebuck catalogue. Remaining windows on the façade will be replaced with one-over-one, double-hung wood windows with wood trim, to reflect placement and sizes of similar properties.

Enclosed rear porch includes wood lap siding and wood trim to be used as guide for window trim, siding exposure, and exterior trim details.

Reconstruction of foundation on porch and left side of front elevation. Concrete porch floor on stuccoed foundation will be replaced with a tongue-and-groove wood porch floor on a stuccoed foundation. Wrought iron columns and railings to be removed and replaced with square wood columns with beveled trim at top and bottom and a railing of flat sawn wood balusters, to reflect designs provided in application from 1910 Sears Roebuck catalogue and on comparable houses in district.

Staff Comments
Queen Anne cottage, c.1910
    One-and-one-half story frame residence with a hip and gable roof clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior of vinyl siding, and a brick masonry foundation. Front gable features partial cornice returns. One-story, two-bay front porch with wrought iron columns and balustrade. Replacement vinyl windows. Interior central brick chimney.

3. If replacement windows are necessary, they must be the same overall size as the originals, with the same pane division, and the same muntin style and exterior depth, width, and profile. Thermal sash windows that use false muntins are not acceptable.
7. Historic windows shall not be blocked in. Do not cut across an existing window with a new floor or ceiling, so that the outside appearance of the window is changed.

1. Porches on historic houses shall be repaired or replicated using wood materials for ceilings and floors, balustrades, posts, and columns that duplicate the original size and design. Reconstruction of the documented original porch is appropriate.
4. A wooden porch floor shall not be replaced with concrete, brick, or other masonry materials. These floors can retain moisture and eventually damage the building.

2. Replacement siding, trim, and patterned shingles shall duplicate the original.
4. Repair wooden features by patching, piecing in, or otherwise reinforcing the wood. Repair may also include limited replacement with matching or compatible substitute materials, when elements remain and can be copied.
7. An entire wooden feature that is too deteriorated to repair or is completely missing must be replaced in kind. If features are replaced, the materials they are made from shall be compatible with the original in size and scale. Replacement parts must be based on historical, pictorial, and physical documentation. If documentation does not exist, a new sympathetically designed feature would be better than a hypothetical "old" one.

3. Replace an entire masonry feature that is too deteriorated to repair. Use the remaining physical evidence to guide the new work, and match new to old. Examples can include large sections of a wall, cornice, balustrade, column, or stairway.

Matthew and Amanda Matthew and Amanda Beard

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.lanois@knoxplanning.org

Case History