Design Review Board

Level 2: Major alteration of an existing building/structure


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate 3-B-13-DT as submitted with the following conditions: 1) All replacement windows shall be double hung windows that match the existing windows in the building, with the exception of the one proposed transom window. Security bars that match those on other basement windows are acceptable, 2) Replacement window sills should be made of brick or cast concrete, 3) In the former door location in middle bay, replace missing brick around the window to match existing construction and install a new stone band above the window to match existing, and 4) Install metal hand railings that match those that were already installed to meet building and fire code requirements.

207 W Church St

Applicant Request
This proposal will revise the following Certificate of Appropriateness: 2-A-13-DT, 3-B-09-DT and 8-D-08-DT.

Main level (sheet 2.2): Install hand railings for both main level entry stairs on the sides and the middle. The side hand railings have already been installed (see attached images). Remove broken section of the stone stairs and replace with similar stone and matching dimensions.

Basement level, facing Church/State sidewalks (sheet 2.1): In the right bay (nearest to the intersection), replace the basement doorway with a window (Note: the doorway has already been replaced with a window and the sill is made of cast concrete). In the middle bay, replace the basement doorway with a window and fill the window well to the sidewalk level. Remove the two double hung windows and fill all three window openings with glass block. In the left bay, replace the left most double hung window with a transom window and fill the window well to the sidewalk level. Add a decorative guard rail to the existing middle window well. On the State Street elevation, replace three existing windows with glass block. The two windows near the middle of the façade are in a bathrooms, the other is adjacent to the rear of the building and is a mechanical room.

Basement level, facing path/courtyard (sheet 2.1): Fill windows and window wells as noted on plan. Replace windows with glass block as noted on plan.

Staff Comments
This building is in the National Register Gay Street Commercial Historic District, which means the Historic Resources section of the guidelines apply. Section 1.C.4b,c (page 26) state, "Replace windows if repairs are not possible with matching windows, including duplicating design, operation, material, glass size, muntin arrangements, profiles, and trim" and "In windows with the same pane configuration, materials and size as other buildings of the same general construction date, if no original winsows are present". The windows in the building have been replaced with one-over-one double hung windows, which are similar to the configuration in the same general construction date.

Glass block is proposed in basement windows on both street facing elevations. The Church Street elevation is the primary façade, with defining the architectural features such as the main entrances and associated balconies, cornice and marble detailing. The State Street façade is the secondary façade and is not have the amount of architectural detailing as the primary façade. The alterations to the primary façade should respect the architectural heritage of the structure as much as reasonably possible. In which case, glass block was not a typical residential application for windows for the era of this building so it should not be used. On the secondary façade, glass block could be considered since it is not the defining architectural elevation of the building.

The historic window sills are made of pink marble and it is difficult to find matching materials. Sills on brick buildings of this era were typically brick or stone. When matching the stone is not possible, cast concrete that matches the design and dimensions of the stone is an appropriate alternative. While matching the the marble as closely as possible with a cast concrete replica is preferred, a brick sill could be acceptable.

Benchmark Development, LLC

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History