Design Review Board
Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of Certificate 3-A-23-IH, subject to the following condition: 1) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards and remain within coverage limits of the RN-2 zoning.
Location 117 E. Springdale Ave. 37917
OwnerAaron Aaron Jernigan
Applicant Request
New Primary Structure1. The new house will be set 22'-6" from the front property line. The average front setback of the block is 24', with adjacent houses set 22' and 19'. The front setback will maintain a consistent streetscape along the block. The site plan includes a walkway to the front sidewalk.
2. The block is characterized by one-and-one-half story Queen Anne cottages and Craftsman bungalows. The 34' wide, three-bay façade is proportional to the dimensions of the lot and other houses on the block. The side yard setbacks are evenly spaced along the block.
3. The proposed parking meets the Infill Housing design guidelines as located behind the main house and accessible from the alley. Final modifications may be necessary to meet City Engineering standards and the impervious surface limits of the RN-2 zoning.
4. The façade is compatible in width and scale with original houses on the block. The overall design contains projecting bays and massing details compatible in scale with the context, and the foundation height reflects those on original houses in the neighborhood.
5. The design includes an 8' deep, partial-width porch on the left half of the façade.
6. The selected windows are similar in style to historic houses on the block. The façade demonstrates similar proportion and positioning to the context, and the side elevations demonstrate sufficient transparency.
7. The 10/12 roof pitch and complex rooflines are appropriate for the historic context.
8. The roof, siding, and foundation materials meet the design guidelines.
9. The final site plan includes multiple new and existing shade trees.
10. The ADU meets the Infill Housing design guidelines for accessory structures, being placed behind the primary structure on the lot. The ADU is modest in size and scale and will be minimally visible from the primary street.
Staff Comments
Revision to new primary structure fronting E. Springdale Ave. House is now a one-story residence with a cross-gable roof (10/12 pitch, clad in asphalt shingles), an exterior of fiber cement lap siding, and a parge-coated CMU foundation. The house will be set 22'-6" from the front property line. The parking is proposed to be accessed from the alley, featuring an 17' by 34' parking pad with an additional turnaround to the rear of the ADU.
The façade (southeast) features a projecting, one-story front-gable massing on the right side with a cutaway bay, and partial-width, flat-roof porch supported by square wood posts on the left side. The right (northeast) side features a centered shed-roof massing, with a centered gable-roof massing on the left side. A flat-roof, screened-in porch projects from the rear corner. Windows are one-over-one, double-hung and single light composite.
A 23'-4" by 16' accessory dwelling unit is located to the rear left (north) corner of the property. The shed-roof building is clad in fiber cement lap siding, with single-light casement windows and a half-light entry door.