Design Review Board

Level 2: Major alteration of an existing building/structure


This case has been appealed

Staff Recommendation
APPROVE Certificate 3-A-20-DT as requested with the exception of the driveway modifications.

POSTPONE consideration of the driveway modifications until the April 15th board meeting to allow additional time for staff to review the design and its impact on safety for all users of the Clinch Avenue roadway.Case File
525 & 531 Henley St.

Applicant Request
This proposal is to convert the existing Holiday Inn to a full-service Marriott hotel. The scope of the project for the exterior of the building includes the guest room tower facade, new entry canopy and porte cochere, and World's Fair Park façade. There will also be modifications driveway connection to Clinch Avenue and vehicle circulation on the site. The work consists of the following:

1) Removing the existing windows, EIFS, and louvers for the guest rooms
2) Replacing guestroom PTAC horizontal louvers for a vertical VRP mechanical unit and louver system.
3) Adding new storefront windows.
4) Painting all exterior walls for the guest tower.
5) Marriott Signage per branding requirements to replace existing Holiday Inn Signage.

1) New Trellis canopy and monumental sign at Marriott Entry
2) New site circulation and landscaping
3) New wood + metal panel soffit at new entry porte cochere
4) Exterior local artist murals elements at new entries
5) New coffee shop entry and operable garage doors

1) New punched opening windows and operable garage style doors.
2) New exterior patio, landscaping, and site planters
3) Painting the exterior existing brick facade
4) New branding signage above the existing shed roof

1) Replace the large, single driveway access with three lanes to a separated, angled driveway entrance and exit.
2) Modify the flow of vehicle traffic on the site so incoming traffic has to go under the porte cochere and exiting traffic has to cross back over the incoming traffic near Clinch Avenue.

1) Installation of three Marriott signs of the same size that include the word "Marriott" is 1'-2 3/8" tall by 11'-0 7/8" wide and the "M" logo is 6'-0" tall by 7'-8" wide. The overall height of the sign is 7'-7 13/16" tall by 12'-11 5/16" wide (approximately 99 sqft).
2) The sign letters will be internally illuminated.
3) The signs will be located on the south (Clinch Avenue) elevation, north (Western Avenue) elevation, and on both sides of the monument sign structure along Henley Street. NOTE: The signs labeled as "monument sign" may be considered wall signs because of the way the structure is proposed.
4) All other signs shown on the plans are not being requested for approval as part of this application.

Staff Comments
DRB staff is recommending postponement of the driveway modifications for one month to allow additional time to evaluate safety concerns with the design for the following reasons:
-- Proximity to the intersection with Henley Street.
-- Heavy pedestrian traffic when there are events at the conference center or World's Fair Park.
-- Clinch Avenue is also a major bicycle route between downtown and Fort Sanders/UT campus.
-- Without left turn movements being restricted by a barrier in the middle of Clinch Ave, drivers will be encouraged to use the wrong driveway based on the direction they are entering/exiting the site, or make a sharp turn into/out of the site from the opposite direction of the driveway angle (left turn movements).
-- A traditional driveway design could be a safer option because it will reduce conflict points and eliminate the concern of vehicles using the wrong driveway.

Applicable guidelines:

Consider pedestrians first, then transit, then the automobile in designing and developing downtown places. Public utilities and streetscape amenities should be located to support safe, convenient, and unimpeded pedestrian flow. Due to the nature of the narrow downtown streets with low traffic speeds it is relatively safe to bike within the downtown area. However, bike lanes and greenways leading to downtown, and places to store bicycles once downtown should also be considered. For more information, please see the Knoxville Regional Bicycle Plan (2002).
1g. Consolidate curb-cuts and locate driveways near mid-block, when necessary; alley access should be provided for service and parking, if feasible.

It is important to establish a strong relationship among buildings, sidewalks, and streets. This is typically accomplished through consistent setbacks that locate buildings on the same line.
2b. Consider using landscape elements to define the sidewalk edge where a building is to be set back from the sidewalk.

Buildings should be visually interesting to invite exploration by pedestrians. A building should express human scale through materials and forms that were seen traditionally. This is important because buildings are experienced at close proximity by the pedestrian.
4b. Enhance pedestrian interest in commercial and office buildings by creating a largely transparent and consistent rhythm of entrances and windows.

Create yards that complement the green space of adjacent buildings.
1a. Separate new buildings from the sidewalk with lawn or other landscaped area.
1b. Plant native or naturalized trees and other landscape materials in the open spaces.
1c. Compliment the architecture and landscaping of adjoining property.
1d. Allow for plazas or similar quasi-public spaces in a portion of these private open spaces.

Enhance the architectural harmony of all buildings along the street.
2a. Design building entrances to be clearly oriented to the street.
2b. Encourage building forms that are complimentary to the mass of adjacent buildings.
2c. Design building elevations to compliment the buildings along the side or back streets when buildings are to face more than one street.
2d. Screen service facilities or incorporate them into the design of new buildings so that they are not obtrusive.

Signs within downtown Knoxville are regulated by Article 13 of the Zoning Ordinance for Knoxville, Tennessee. These guidelines for the boulevard district recognize that certain types of signs are more appropriate to specific areas and should be encouraged within these areas.
3a. Wall signs, mounted flush to the building facade or on the building's sign board
3b. Monument signs

Greer / McCarty Holsaple McCarty

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History