Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


The exterior changes to be reviewed for approval are only those on rear (west) elevation, along the alley.

Rear elevation, north (left) side:
1) New louvered vent to replace the existing vent immediately to the right that is to be infilled with brick to match the adjacent (existing) and painted. The kitchen hood vent will be mostly recessed behind the louvered vent with only 4" of the round hood extending beyond the vent. See vent style "d" on sheet A3.4a.
2) The existing recessed entry will be infilled and finished with a smooth plaster stucco to match the existing stucco. Sills will be added to the recess to match the existing sill pattern on the rear elevation.

Rear elevation, center:
1) Existing louvered vent and infill will be replaced with new louvered vent and infill that will project no further than the existing. The infill will be made of metal and will match the louvered vent.
2) Two new metal doors in openings that had been previously infilled. The doors will be recessed 4".

Rear elevation, south (right) side:
1) Add new vents above new doorway for restrooms, water heater, and brewing equipment. See vent style "a", "b", and "c" on sheet A3.4a.
2) One new doorway in opening that had been previously infilled. This will be a loading area for restaurant and brewing supplies. A gate will be installed at the exterior building wall and a roll up door will be recessed 18" behind the gate, which will only be accessible from the interior of the restaurant.
3) Existing louvered vent to the left of the new gated entrance will either remain as-is or replaced to match the new louvered vents.

------------------------------------------------ BELOW: Approved by staff (Sheets A.3.4a & A3.5) -----------------------------------------

Relocation of two (2) existing mechanic units (HVAC) to a new metal stand that is 16" tall and 14'-0" wide by 6'-0" deep, to be located as shown on the attached plans. There will also be three (3) additional new mechanical units located on the metal stand. There is space on the metal stand for additional mechanical units, however, any additional units must be reviewed and approved as a new application.

Installation of a new gas meter and bollards on the western end of the north elevation, as shown on the attached plans.

Installation of landscaping around the mechanical units and gas meter, as shown on the attached plans. The plant species are to be coordinated with the City of Knoxville Department of Public Works.

531 S Gay St

Applicant Request
The exterior changes to be reviewed for approval are only those on rear (west) elevation, along the alley.

Rear elevation, north (left) side:
1) New louvered vent to replace the existing vent immediately to the right that is to be infilled with brick to match the adjacent (existing) and painted. The kitchen hood vent will be mostly recessed behind the louvered vent with only 4" of the round hood extending beyond the vent. See vent style "d" on sheet A3.4a.
2) The existing recessed entry will be infilled and finished with a smooth plaster stucco to match the existing stucco. Sills will be added to the recess to match the existing sill pattern on the rear elevation.

Rear elevation, center:
1) Existing louvered vent and infill will be replaced with new louvered vent and infill that will project no further than the existing. The infill will be made of metal and will match the louvered vent.
2) Two new metal doors in openings that had been previously infilled. The doors will be recessed 4".

Rear elevation, south (right) side:
1) Add new vents above new doorway for restrooms, water heater, and brewing equipment. See vent style "a", "b", and "c" on sheet A3.4a.
2) One new doorway in opening that had been previously infilled. This will be a loading area for restaurant and brewing supplies. A gate will be installed at the exterior building wall and a roll up door will be recessed 18" behind the gate, which will only be accessible from the interior of the restaurant.
3) Existing louvered vent to the left of the new gated entrance will either remain as-is or replaced to match the new louvered vents.

------------------------------------------------ BELOW: Approved by staff (Sheets A.3.4a & A3.5) -----------------------------------------

Relocation of two (2) existing mechanic units (HVAC) to a new metal stand that is 16" tall and 14'-0" wide by 6'-0" deep, to be located as shown on the attached plans. There will also be three (3) additional new mechanical units located on the metal stand. There is space on the metal stand for additional mechanical units, however, any additional units must be reviewed and approved as a new application.

Installation of a new gas meter and bollards on the western end of the north elevation, as shown on the attached plans.

Installation of landscaping around the mechanical units and gas meter, as shown on the attached plans. The plant species are to be coordinated with the City of Knoxville Department of Public Works.

Staff Comments
The Holston Building is a contributing structure within the Gay Street Commercial (National Register) Historic District, so the historic resources section of the guidelines do apply. With the exception of the general recommendation of not removing or damaging historic architectural elements of a building, there are no specific guidelines in the historic resources section that apply to this application. The guidelines, however, recommend that low profile mechanical equipment be used, which would apply to the proposed vents.

The Downtown Knoxville Design Guidelines apply to publicly-oriented elevations of a building, which include those that face a street or public park. Because the rear elevation is highly visible from a park and from Clinch Ave., staff has determined that the proposal does require approval from the Downtown Design Review Board.

The new metal doors are proposed to be painted the same color as the doors on the other elevations, which are a dark grey. Staff recommends that the doors be painted the same color as the rear elevation to deemphasize them and make them less noticeable as they are not intended to be used by the general public to enter the restaurant.

Applicable guidelines:
Utilities can include telephone and electrical lines, ventilation systems, gas meters, air conditioners, fire protection, telecommunication and alarm systems. Adequate space for these utilities should be planned in a project from the outset and they should be designed such that their visual and noise impacts are minimized.
7a. Minimize the visual impact of mechanical equipment through screens or recessed/low-profile equipment.
7b. Do not locate units on a primary facade.

Clinch River Brewing, LLC

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History