Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 20510ONK. Proposed repair work is necessary to maintain the structure and consistent with the adopted design guidelines. The porch railing is a necessary safety devise, although the house did not have a railing.

Location Knoxville
229 E Scott Ave

Lauren & Steven Rider

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Porch elements
Level II: Add wrought iron porch rails, white coating. Proposed porch rail will not connect to original columns; posts will be secured to porch floor. Single rail to match porch rail will be installed with concrete porch steps with brick buttresses as approved by Knoxville Historic Zoning Commission on Certificate 71708ONK.

Level I: Re-install original screen doors to back and front door; Repair and replace in kind rotten wood on upper porch on front of house, as needed, including repair piers on second story balcony

Shingle (1914)
    Two story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Gambrel roof with asphalt shingle covering, recessed Gothic arched section in gambrel ends with wood shingles. Double hung one over one windows. One story full front porch with round wood columns with Doric capitals and brick piers with lattice panels. Partial second story balcony recessed under roof with recessed transom and sidelights at door. Two interior offset brick chimneys. Brick foundation with interlocking bricks at corners of projecting bay on south elevation. Irregular plan. Recessed transom and side lights at front entry.

Lauren & Steven Rider

Case History