Design Review Board


3315 Gap Rd

David David Walker TCCD TCCD

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
Archutectural elevations -- The porch is a minimum of 8' deep and has a gable roof. On the porch there is the front door and one window with shutters. The porch has three posts that face the street and a hand railing arounf the perimeter. On remaining front façade are two windows that face the street. The siding is horizontal vinyl siding. The roof pitch is 12:10. The exposed foundation has a brick vineer and is a minimum of 2' and a maximum of 4' of exposed foundation from the front.. All other detail, as illustrated on the stamped elevation plan.

Site Plan-- The old driveway that loops in the front is to be removed and replaced by a driveway in the easement on the south side of the property. The driveway will extend at least 20' beyond the front habitable portion of the house. Two pin oaks will be planted in the front yad. A walkway extend from the front porch steps to the diveway. All other detail, as illustrated on the stamped site plan.

David David Walker TCCD TCCD

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History