Historic Zoning Commission

Tazewell Pike NC-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Proposed work is consistent with design guidelines, being located to the rear of the building, and includes the reconstruction of a porte-cochere removed prior to the designation of the area.

Location Knoxville
4201 Tazewell Pk 37918

Michael Bush

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Other: rear addition
Construct porte cochere, attached garage at rear of house, not visible from Tazewell Pike, and small bathroom addiiton at rear. NOTE: CERTIFICATE ISSUED FOR ATTACHED GARAGE AND SMALL BATHROOM ONLY. PORTE COCHERE TO BE HEARD AT APRIL MEETING.

Bungalow (c.1940)
    One and one-half story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Gable roof with hip dormer and asphalt shingle covering. Brick foundation. Double hung six over six windows, grouped in triple arrangement on front façade. One story full front porch. Front entrance with large sidelights. Square plan.

Patricia Bush

Case History