APPROVE. Proposed work is adopted design guidelines. Rear brick stove vent is not original to building.
Location Knoxville
726 Morgan St
David McCarley
Applicant Request
Deck; Other: Repair foundation vents
Repair first and second story porch, foundation vents and other exterior features in kind, duplicating details found on exterior currently; remove brick vent on rear addition, which is not original or house; rebuild rear deck, enlarging slightly and reinstalling railing and posts that are consistent in design with features that are significant to the building.
Folk Victorian with Craftsman influence (c.1900)
Two story frame with vinyl siding wall covering. Front gable roof with shed roof side dormers, asphalt shingle roof covering. One over one and two over two double hung wood windows. One story full front porch with second story central balcony, square wood columns, sawn wood balustrade. Enclosed one story side porch with hip roof on north elevation. Interior offset brick chimney. Added brick vent on rear one story addition. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Transom and sidelilghts at front entry.