Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. This house has been vacant for several years. Owner intends to make sympathetic changes to exterior while bringing house up to codes. Proposed work will improve exterior and is consistent with design guidelines.

Location Knoxville
1400 Grainger Ave

Larry Hubbs

Applicant Request
Guttering; Porch elements; Siding; Storm windows or doors; Windows
Repair existing aluminum siding or remove; rebuild 3/4 front porch with either brick piers with columns or with 6" to 8" square columns; install windows flanking front entry with wood double hung; restore open back porch using 6"x6" post and add double hung window wood double hung window in original opening.

Bungalow (altered) (c.1890)
    Two story frame with aluminum siding wall covering. Hip roof with hip roof attic dormer, asphalt shingle roof covering. One over one, one over two and two over two double hung windows. One story full front porch which has been enclosed, with original central gable remaining. Two interior offset brick chimney. Brick foundation. Irregular plan.

Larry Hubbs

Case History