Historic Zoning Commission

Market Square H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Proposed work is consistent with adopted Market Square Design Guidelines and with Historic Zoning Commission review of October 17, 2002.

Location Knoxville
12 Market Square

Vafaie Mahasti

Applicant Request
Doors; Masonry repair/painting; Windows
Repair & point masonry as necessary; replace storefront with transoms, storewindows; install full view entry door; replace windows with one over one full arched windows; install transom at top of first story.

Vernacular Commercial. (c.1880)
    Two story four bay brick with corbelled cornice, rowlock arched windows with corbelled surrounds on second story with six light metal casement windows and arched casement. Altered c. 1970 storefront. Windows added on south façade in 2000.

Buzz Goss/Goss Pearcy Goss

Case History