Historic Zoning Commission

Individual Landmark: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 2206GEN. Proposed teller location replaces contemporary door at splayed northeast corner of building, which is discretely located behind supporting corner post; placement does not destroy historic material.

Location Knoxville
803 S Gay St

Bijou Theatre Foundation, Bruce Hartmann, President

Applicant Request
Level II. Standard repair
Install automatic teller machine on recessed, splayed wall at corner of Gay and Cumberland.

Georgian; Federal; Italian Renaissance Revival (c.1816; c.1900-1909).
    Lamar House was built as a three and one-half story residence before 1816, with late Georgian and early Federal architectural details. Stuccoed brick exterior with two over two double hung windows, square and arched window hoods, recessed theater entry on ground floor. Gay Street façade with a symmetrical elevation and a horizontal and vertical alignment of bays and windows. Ground floor of front façade with storefront entrance on south of recessed door flanked by shop windows with wood paneled bulkheads; central entry to theatre, and northernmost entry with splayed, recessed entry with square stuccoed corner post supporting upper stories. Current ground level façade was basement of original building, exposed when Gay Street was regraded in 1837.

Lee Ingram, Brewer Ingram & Fuller

Case History