Historic Zoning Commission

Market Square H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Proposed work is consistent with adopted design guidelines and with Commission review of October 17, 2002.

Location Knoxville
31 Market Square

Emily Dewhirst

Applicant Request
Masonry repair/painting; Other:
Repair brick as necessary; install cornice at top of building and above storefront; install aluminum cladding on existing window framing.

Vernacular Commercial (c.1885)
    Haynes Building. Two story brick building with segmental arched second story windows, corbelled cornice, altered storefront. One-third of a three bay building which includes #33 and #35. Two over two double hung windows. Storefront rehabilitated to correct proportions with wooden bulkhead, large store windows and transom Recessed multipane front door. Red brick surface on wall with buff brick outlining segmental window arches.

Buzz Goss/Goss Pearcy Goss

Case History