Historic Zoning Commission

Market Square H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Proposed work is consistent with design guidelines and improves appearance of adjacent buildings and of Market Square; it is consistent with Commission review held on October 17, 2002.

Location Knoxville
25 Market Square

Smith & Creekmore

Applicant Request
Windows; Other:
Install new storefront; repair and patch brick as necessary; install new window head; install new cornice with brackets.

Vernacular Commercial (c.1880/c.1935)
    Parham & Cowan Building. Two story brick with altered front façade. Inset first floor storefront with terrazo floor, brick second story with metal casement windows. May have originally duplicated facades of 23 and 27 Market Square.

Buzz Goss/Goss Pearcy Goss

Case History