Historic Zoning Commission

Knoxville High School Historic Landmark: Level II


Staff Recommendation

In order to mitigate the modern, suburban appearance of the parking lot, the loss of green lawn, and the curved driveway staff recommends the following:
1) square-edged curbing with an aggregated or tinted concrete to reduce the contrast of the white curbing against the black asphalt given that historic granite curbing is not available;
2) pavement markings that are brick-red in color (as shown in staff report and to be tested and finalized on site) to reduce the contrast of the markings against the black pavement;
3) shrubs installed around the perimeter of the parking lot to somewhat screen the view of the cars; and
4) the proposed trees are to be shown on the final approved site plan.

Location Knoxville
101 E Fifth Ave 37902

Rick Rick Dover

Applicant Request
Level II. Construction of parking lot
Other: parking lot
Removal of existing circle driveway and any remaining walkways in the front yard of the building. Construct 26-car black asphalt-paved parking lot with white pavement markings. Construct concrete sidewalk at base of steps. The front yard will be graded flat and the existing pine tree and crab-apple tree will be removed. There will be a curb-cut to access the parking lot from the side street of Lamar Avenue. The front edge of the parking lot will be setback ~30 feet from the back edge of the public sidewalk. The area between the edge of the sidewalk and the edge of the parking lot will be grass. The doughboy statue and the surrounding 10 stone obelisks are proposed to be left intact, although the rear two of the obelisks are proposed to be moved forward 5 to 6 feet closer to the statue to accommodate parking spaces. Install concrete rolled curb and gutter at perimeter of the parking lot. Flowering trees such as dogwoods are proposed to be interspersed with hardwoods such as maples at intervals of 15-20 feet around the perimeter of the yard along the sidewalk.

Staff Comments
Neoclassical with Beaux Arts influence (1909-1910;1914;1920)
    South (primary) façade: Two-story, three-bay brick building with marble quoins and a raised basement and flat roof. Square and ocular attic vent windows with marble surrounds. Projecting metal cornice above second story with plain square brackets and pressed metal cornice with egg-and-dart molding and motif of raised circles with enclosed crosses, typical of Baumann and Baumann designed buildings. Projecting central bay with two-story pedimented portico emphasizing primary elevation, ornamented with ocular attic window, four round Bedford limestone columns on large rectangular Bedford limestone plinths with recessed panels that are bordered with egg and dart molding. Columns crowned with Doric capitals. Pierced stone balustrade and marble steps flanked by extended marble buttresses and supporting flour globe cast iron light fixtures. Metal ceiling. Green and white on terra cotta encaustic tile floor with a Greek fret border. Deeply recessed front entry with double doors under an entablature with Greek fret and egg-and-dart-embellished cornice.

The Secretary of Interiors Standards for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings were adopted as design guidelines for the Historic Zoning Overlay for the Knoxville High School Building landmark. Standards #1 and #2 are those that refer to review of the context of the building.

Standard #1: A property shall be used for its historic purpose or placed in a new use that requires
that requires minimal change to the defining characteristics of the building and its site and environment.

Standard #2: The distinguishing original qualities or character of a building, structure, or site and its environment shall not be destroyed.

Rick Rick Dover; - Dover Development Corporation Dover Development Corporation

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History