Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


915 Ohio Ave

Multiplex Development and Cathy Wilson

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
Plot Plan-- The north side yard setback is 17' (up the ridge) and the south side setback is 7' (down the ridge). The front yard setback is 25' (measured from the front property line to the habitable portion of the house - excluding the porch). The applicant will preserve the trees existing in the yard. The driveway will not exceed 12' in width and will extend 20' behind the habitable portion of the house. The driveway shall be set off the north side property line by at least 2'.

Architectural Evelavations -- The exposed foundation height will have a minimum height of 2' and a maximum of 4' as seen from the front of the house. The front porch shall be 8' in depth. The door shall be accessed from the porch and face the street. The roof shall be asphalt shingles and the siding shall be horizontal siding.

Grant Grant Asfour Multiplex Development and Cathy Wilson Mult

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History