Historic Zoning Commission

Market Square H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Proposed redesign of front façade will include fenestration, balcony railings and a cornice, adding to the richness of building details on Market Square while clearly being a product of late 20th and early 21st century design.

Location Knoxville
1921 Market Square

David Dewhirst & Michael Kennedy

Applicant Request
Other: see below
Remove front curtain wall; install new two bay storefront with color clad metal framing, full view single entry doors; two bay arrangement at second story with three openings with metal railing leading to recessed balcony; install cornice at top of building with brackets, tri-partite design with central portion elevated from two flanking sections. New cornice dividing first and second stories.

Modern (c.1960
    Two story two bay brick veneered concrete block building without upper story fenestration. (NC)

Buzz Goss/Goss Pearcy Goss

Case History